Don’t Drink And Drive, Make A Plan To Get Home Safely
Booze it and lose it!
Don’t drink and drive.
I Ride Safe Carolina has partnered with Beasley Media Group with the support of the North Carolina’s Governors Highway Safety Program to encourage riding home after a night of drinking at concerts, bars, or parties.
Plan ahead of time. Make a plan to call a ride home before the party. Bring a designated driver or call an Uber or other ride share service.
Don’t wait to make that awkward, embarrassing call to a lawyer after being pulled over. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
If you booze it, you will lose it after your wild night of fun this summer.
Visit I Ride Safe Carolina at PNC concerts this summer to share your safe ride home plan. If not at a concert, share on Instagram (@iridesafe) to win a free gift card.
You can’t have too much music, but you can have too much to drink before you drive. Stay safe. Don’t drink and drive.
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