Tanner’s Adventures: My World Got Rocked By Three Hurricanes!
I know many of you have been through a hurricane before and have many bad memories. Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, I never expeirenced what these storms are like, until I went to work in Central Florida.
Just so happens, all the evacutation signs in Florida led you from either coast to Central Florida, but this time a hurricane bared down on that area. Not just one, three in a peroid of 5 weeks in 2004!
The first was the worst for my area, it was Charley! Yep named after our afternoon star Charlie from the Charlie and Debbie show! This storm was meaner than our Charlie! LOL
We spent the day and night huddled in our master bedroom with my wife Missy who was almost eight months pregnant and my mother and mother-in-law. Oh, and three cats.
Plywood on windows that became an easy install by the time we got hit by Frances, and then Ivan, the second and the third hurricane!
We were lucky, no trees in the area fell on our house and we only recieved some fence damage.
This storm could be stronger than any of those, stay safe! Trees will come down and roads will be blocked. Please use patience and think safety when trying to travel, even after the storm passes.
Let’s help each other and hope for the best.