What’s It Like Getting The Covid-19 Vaccine?
Debbie and I had been trying to get appointments that worked with our schedule to get the Covid-19 vaccine for a few weeks, to no avail. And it’s kind of funny, Friday morning we had just said, “Okay, we need to go ahead and do this.” Then on the way into work we came across post from a friend of ours who works for Union County Social Services…
So Debbie immediately went online and got us both appointments for early Saturday afternoon. As I drove up to SPCC in Monroe, it occurred to me that I’ve seen a ton of pictures of people getting needles in their arms, I’d seen a ton of vaccination cards, but I haven’t seen anyone post the process.
If you are holding back getting your appointment because you’re fearful of a long, bureaucratic process (like going to the DMV), this could not be further from the truth. We were in and out in mere minutes; and, because it was the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, we’re done. Look, we made the decision for us and for our family…if getting inoculated for Covid-19 gets us all back to normal-faster, then we’re all in. Whatever decision you make for you and your family, we respect it. That being said, we hope you join us.