Netflix’s New “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” Looks Horrifying
Growing up in Texas, there was a horror legend wrapped around a movie. As a grown-up, I finally got the story straight. First off, there’s not “true story” here. Tobe Hopper made what was essentially a “B” horror movie in 1974 and based it, partially off the exploits of serial killer, Ed Gein. The movie was “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” Before the advent of home video, the only way you could see this was at “midnight movie” showings. Anyway, because it was set in Texas and looked so raw and real, it was accepted as truth. There have been several attempts at sequels and reboots since, but what Netflix has planned caught my eye this morning and honestly looks terrifying.
This new version of “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” debuts on Netflix February 18th.