South Dakota Teachers “Dash For Cash” Sparks Controversy
Let me preface whatever I write next with this: I have ZERO problem with this. In Sioux Falls, South Dakota on Saturday night, the local minor league hockey team hosted a promotion in between periods. It involved 10 local teachers, a carpet full of $5000 cash, and a time limit. The rules for this “Dash for Cash” were simple. Grab as much as you can in the allotted time, and what you get, you keep (to be used towards classroom improvement).
The money was donated by CU Mortgage Direct and each teacher walked away with between $300-$700. And when you watch the video, it’s fun. And the teachers are laughing and smiling at the end. No one was forced to do this? No one was being degraded. Yet, complaints are flying in on social media (as the above video has gone viral) about how this was “vile,” “barbaric,” “dystopian,” “Squid-Game-like.” HUH? Have you seen “Squid Game?” There were no bad consequences here. Just teachers getting money for their classrooms in a unique and entertaining way. SMH