Amazing Rescue Of Drowning Autistic Boy
New Rule For Us: Never miss an opportunity to shine the light on the heroes in our life. Summer has now begun, which means summer pool season has too. And that also means that we’re inevitably we’re going to come across a handful of tragic stories of toddlers drowning in family pools. And that’s why we HAD to bring this story out of Florida to your attention. A 4-year-old with autism somehow managed to get through the locked fence and jumped in the family pool. He can’t swim…
Amazingly, a 12-year-old boy saw the toddler drowning and ran to get his dad-who leaped over the fence and into the pool. Then, he pulled him out of the water and performed CPR, saving the little boy’s life. Wow. Just wow. And salute to two people here: the father who saved the life, and the boy who retrieved him. God bless the heroes in our everyday lives. May we report their doings every time.