New York City Is Locking Up Food In “Plastic Cases” Due To Crime Surge
The one-two punch of inflation and rising crime has caused at least one New York City store to lock up its inventory of Spam in a plastic case. Crime in New York City is up this year in six of seven major categories. This is causing stores to think outside the box.
Shoppers, store employees, and social media users were shocked that a $3.99 canned meat product was put out of reach behind lock and key at a store inside New York City’s Port Authority bus depot.
A store clerk named Iggy said “I don’t think they stop anything. It’s security theater. If you really needed it, you would stomp on it.”
Inflation jumped to 9.1% in June and that has created a market for thieves to sell stolen discounted food on the black market.
The thoroughly revamped loss-prevention regime at the Port Authority Duane Reade has finally created something of beauty, a sort of Jeff Koons homage.
— willy 🌜💧 (@willystaley) July 28, 2022
SPAM goes on lockdown due to inflation
— New York Post (@nypost) July 30, 2022