Snake Bites Toddler, Toddler Bites Back Until Snake Dies
Memo to the reptile community in Turkey: the kids of that nation are not to be trifled with. Do so at your own peril. This is one of the more incredible stories of the week for sure. A two-year-old girl was attacked by a snake-bitten on her lip-in the village of Kantar in eastern Turkey. According to the girl’s father, she was playing with the serpent when it attacked her (MEMO TO DAD: can we get this girl a Barbie to play with?!). <G>
The snake soon discovered that this was a fatal error on its part. The girl responded to being bitten, by biting back…repeatedly! The girl’s father was at work, but neighbors heard the little one in distress and found her with a bite on her lip and a twenty-inch, dead snake still between her teeth. Amazingly, upon hospital examination, the girl sustained no further impairment other than the bite.