An Eyeball Popping Record Is A Thing?
Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m a sucker for headlines that read “New World Record.” And the weirder or more obscure the record, the more I’m all in. All that being said, when I saw a new record had been set for “Eyeball Popping?” I mean, this can’t be a thing, right? First, not all people can do this. Second, anyone who can and does, obviously grew up without a mother. Doubt me? Just imagine your mom seeing you practice popping your eyes out of their sockets and say, “Oh, that’s nice Dear. Keep that up.” Further, I’ve never seen this done in person. In fact, the only time I can remember witnessing this was from the late, great, Marty Feldman in “Young Frankenstein.”
Now, what further caught my attention was that I initially misread it. The New York Post reported that Tio Chico had set the new standard for the farthest eyeball pop at .71 inches. I missed the “point,” and went, “71 INCHES?! WHA?!” Now THAT would have been worrisome for a mom. <g>
Anyway, Chico started popping his eyeballs out at nine and can hold that .71 inch protrusion for up to 30 seconds at a time.