Doctors Pull Four Foot Snake From Woman’s Mouth
Indiana Jones and me. We are one hundred percent in lockstep with our common hatred of snakes. Seriously, I am scared to death of any and all of these slithering creatures. And this fear is as rampant from 2 feet away as sitting in the safety of my home watching a video of a snake on my computer. Oh, and I don’t differentiate between “good” and “bad” snake. To me, they are all bad. Don’t bother trying to explain otherwise. My wife and I have often said that if we ever found a snake in our bathroom or bedroom, we’d have to move. No questions asked, just move. Okay, I think you have a solid background on where I’m coming from here. I literally cannot fathom this horror.
Medics pull 4ft snake from woman’s mouth after it slithered down there while she slept.
— All Things Fascinating (@FascinateFlix) November 12, 2022
This Russian woman was brought into the ER after she passed out. Apparently, earlier while she slept, this four-foot-reptile slithered down her throat. I’ve heard from time to time about how we all wind up eating a scary number of spiders in our lives by sleeping with our mouths open. Now snakes are treating our esophageal canal as a Motel 6? No thanks. I think I’m going to start taping my mouth shut before bed as a precaution. Wait, there’s more. If you think this is the one and only time something like this has happened, think again. Newsweek relayed this story. A New York Times article from 1864 explained the story of a woman living with a snake in her stomach. The story noted that the woman spent four years with the snake growing inside her, causing her major discomfort daily. Apparently, the snake was a fine guest within her as long as she continued to consume the food it enjoyed. Without food, though, the woman described being strangled from within.