Liquor Store Sales on Sundays in South Carolina Are On Hold
Looks like South Carolina’s want for liquor store sales on Sundays is going to have to wait a bit longer. Many of those in South Carolina want to be able to shop at their favorite liquor stores on Sundays. Well, looks like those interested are going to have to wait at least a year.
WIS TV reports that the push for liquor store sales is on pause, yet again. The push for liquor stores to be open on Sundays has run out of time at the State House for the remainder of the year. While we wait to hear any news, did you know South Carolina is one of four states where you cannot buy liquor on Sundays? Yeah, that’s certainly a small number, isn’t it? The other three states include our sister/brother state North Carolina plus Utah, and Texas.
Many breweries, stores, and people feel like this could benefit many in the state of South Carolina. Other larger distributors also believe that this could be a great benefit to them as well. On the other hand, there are many that feel this could not be beneficial. Some say that the cost to stay open on Sunday may not outweigh their potential profit. Looks like there are many on opposing viewpoints when it comes to this potential law. But, what do you think may happen in the future? Check out the full news article here and see what some think of this potential situation.