Baggage Claim BackUp At North Carolina Airport Causes Passengers To Take Matters Into Their Own Hands

‘Tis the summer travel season. And, many folks crowd the airports eagerly anticipating their vacation destination. However, airports have their stresses and challenges. July 4th holiday week at Charlotte Douglas International Airport saw this issue. A problem with the belt caused a baggage claim backup. So, that’s when passengers decided to take matters into their own hands.
According to QC News, the problem occurred at Delta baggage claim Sunday. The malfunction caused an overhead conveyor belt to stop moving. Therefore, customers were left unable to retrieve their bags. So, frustrated and impatient passengers then climbed up the belt to help get things moving. Of course, watching the videos is scary as we see how dangerous such an activity might be. Luckily, no one suffered injuries during the incident.
However, airport workers demanded the passengers stop. As you can imagine, any number of accidents could result in the risky behavior. But, folks these days seem to, understandably, lose patience and resort to risky things when matters don’t resolve quickly. Although, it’s also understandable why airlines discourage such behavior. I am certain if someone did get hurt there would be lawsuits because that’s the way the world works today.
Of course, passengers applauded their fellow travelers who took over, claiming airport workers weren’t responding to the issue. But, as frustrating as airports can be, please don’t intervene in such a possibly dangerous solution. So, if you have any air travel planned this summer pack your patience and be prepared for issues to arise. Lately, quite a few airlines experienced problems resulting in delays and cancellations as well as close calls on the runway with air traffic control.
But, this latest baggage claim backup incident at Charlotte Douglas International Airport presented a new wrinkle. Read the full story from QC News.
These Are The Most Popular International Travel Destinations From North Carolina
There were 293227 passports issued in North Carolina in 2022. And in the entirety of the United States? Nearly 12 million passports were issued. That’s a lot of demand for international travel. And I was one of those people. And I believe it because trying to make an appointment was crazy! In fact, I had to drive an hour to Maiden, NC, and pay rush shipping, and for the passport to be expedited. It was well worth it though! This surge in passports can be attributed to the fact that many people felt comfortable traveling for the first time in a few years. Also, that restrictions were eased to get in and out of countries. So where were all these people going? Our friends at found out. They set out to find the most popular travel destinations from each state including from North Carolina.
They analyzed search data using Google Keyword Planner to see what international destinations were the most searched-for flights among prospective travelers. And you may be surprised at the most popular destinations that North Carolinians are traveling to. You’ll find information not just on international destinations but also domestic ones as well. I agree with a lot of the choices, though some of them I wouldn’t have expected. Though I paid enough for that passport I need to book another trip to get some use of it. Catch me jet setting here soon! You can read the full study and methodology here or keep reading to see the most popular travel destinations from North Carolina and the entirety of the United States.
Debbie Nance is the afternoon co-host along with her husband on "The Charlie and Debbie Show" at WSOC, Country 1037 in Charlotte, North Carolina. She has been with the station for 18 years. Debbie is a CMA Award winner for Radio Personality of the Year. And, she has worked in radio for 40 years. Before her current afternoon position, Debbie spent more than a decade as co-host on morning shows in several markets across the Southeast. As a content creator for Country 1037, Debbie writes articles about food, new restaurants in the Carolinas and travel experiences.