The Ugly Truth About Beer Goggles
You have heard of beer goggles and we were wondering if there is science to back it up. The short answer is, yes. Here is the ugly truth about beer goggles.
A few glasses of your favorite adult brew really does make other people appear more attractive. According to the Guardian, you might even tell someone something like “I love you” but you most likely don’t. Researchers found that alcohol changes the way our brain perceives attractiveness and compatibility.
A test on inebriated college students has scientifically proven what is common bar knowledge that drinking improves the appearance of those around you. A team from the University of Bristol in England conducted an experiment on 84 young women and men. They got half of them tipsy on beer and asked them to rate the attractiveness of people in pictures. Both drunk women and drunk men rates the faces as being more attractive than did those who were sober.
So what have we learned here. Don’t trust yourself when having a brew or two. This is the ugly truth about beer goggles. Simple right? To learn more get all the details from The Guardian right here.
North Carolina Named One Of Top 10 States For Beer Lovers
April 7th is National Beer Day! Which if you’re a beer lover or casual beer drinker is reason enough to celebrate. So celebrate we will! I wouldn’t classify myself as a beer lover by any means, but it is my go-to before football games and at outdoor concerts, in the summer you’ll usually find me with a Corona. Take me to a brewery though and I honestly never have any idea what to order. So while our friends at BetCarolina ranked the best states for beer lovers, I don’t fit that category. But if you are reading this then chances are you do! And the good news is that North Carolina ranked in the top 10 states for beer lovers.
The rankings take into account quality, quantity, and affordability. NC’s highest score came in the affordability category. Here’s exactly how BetCarolina calucated these rankings, they “utilized to get the average rating of beers brewed in the state (ratings given out of 5), to get the amount of breweries per capita (per 100,000 residents) and for the average price of a 24-pack per state. Once acquiring that information, we averaged out the ranking of the states to get our final rankings.”
They ranked all 50 states but below you’ll find the top 13. You can read the full study here. Cheers and Happy National Beer Day beer lovers! Celebrate accordingly.