North Carolina Teacher Shortages Plague This Major School District
It’s back to school time! And, by now most, if not all, school districts returned for the new school year. But, it’s not all easy going this year. North Carolina teacher shortages persist. Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools report teacher vacancies numbering in the hundreds. According to WCNC, the very large North Carolina school district is short more than 500 teachers.
And, Superintendent Crystal Hill indicates that although they have interviewed 200, the process is ongoing. Of course, there are background checks to be completed before any actual hiring takes place. Officials say they are working on ways to take care of the teacher shortages and “used our guest teachers as well.”
So, North Carolina teacher shortages are really nothing new. And, the pandemic just worsened the existing problem. Therefore, Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools continues to offer signing bonuses and more to help alleviate the teacher shortages. And, many involved predict the problem isn’t going away any time soon. I know from talking with lifelong teachers in our family and friends in the profession that fewer college students choose the education route these days. And, most site poor pay and working conditions as the reason they choose to steer clear of teaching.
Plus, other positions remain understaffed, too. Bus driver shortages persist, causing plenty of problems for districts across the nation. And, some schools have trouble hiring cafeteria and custodial workers. However, CMS maintains the shortages don’t cause major disruptions for students.
Obviously, it’s certainly disappointing to see this problem. I think we all can remember that one special teacher in our past who shaped us in a meaningful way. And, I have two that stand out to me. My 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Yarborough, made learning fun for me. And, my senior English teacher, Mrs. Smith, encouraged me in my writing endeavors. So, I was just starting out in my radio career. And, she bragged on my writing skills with a note on an essay I wrote. Her note read, “Maybe one day you’ll put down the microphone and pick up a pen.” Well, I didn’t put down the microphone. But, I did pick up a pen/keyboard!