Save Money On Groceries In North Carolina Even As Prices Remain High
Grocery shopping is a necessary chore for all families. And, for those of us fighting the good fight each week in the checkout lines we know the prices are enough to cause stress. But, as prices remain high there are ways to save money on groceries at North Carolina based Harris Teeter or any chains you choose.
Grocery Store Rewards Cards And Fuel Points
First of all, make sure you sign up for Harris Teeter’s VIC card or your preferred store’s savings program. Many stores suggest downloading their app to have access to deals on the go. Plus, I am a firm believer in taking advantage of those fuel points. With my weekly trips I rack them up pretty quickly. And, then we just pop into the fueling stations in the store parking lot. Last time I saved around 30 cents per gallon. So, not only do you save money on groceries, your fill up is a little lighter.
And, I know it seems tedious and a lost art. But, coupons are your friend. And Harris Teeter accepts manufacturer, competitor and digital coupons. There are restrictions. So, check the rules. Plus, they double coupons with a face value up to 99 cents or less, with the exception of those forbidding doubling. I must admit I don’t always coupon. But, it’s a good practice anyway.
Have A Plan Before You Shop
Furthermore, as we watched The Today Show this morning one of their business reporters offered up other suggestions for savings amid high grocery prices. Some of these are no brainers. However, it’s good to be reminded. He offered up the advice of always making a list. Personally, this one’s a biggie for me. I put the list on my phone’s notes. Then, I just delete each item as I put it in the basket. This keeps you from putting impulse buys in the cart. I add that you need a menu for the week, too. Then, you know exactly what you need for your dishes based on what’s in or missing from your pantry.
Be Willing To Swap Out Items
Also, he suggested another tip for saving money while shopping your grocery store. Be flexible and willing to swap out items based on current pricing. If ham is cheaper than bacon this week consider putting ham sandwiches on the menu rather than BLTs. And, don’t be afraid to choose the store brand over the national brand. That’s been a suggestion for years. But, these days store brands are really just as good or better than some well known names. And, it might surprise you to learn that salad dressings are up right now due to expensive ingredients to make them. So, maybe make a simple one of fresh squeezed lemon juice or vinegar and a little oil with dried herbs you already have.
Location, Location, Location
Finally, I always start my shopping trip around the produce and the perimeter of the store. Items in those locations tend to be less and better for you. And, avoid convenience foods or processed ones. Plus, look up and down. Items at eye level tend to be more expensive. That gets you started hopefully. Happy saving!