Only One State Is “Stickier” Than North Carolina
When it comes to settling down where you were born, the Tarheel State is near the top. Only one state is “stickier” than North Carolina.
“Sticky” refers to a state’s percentage of native-born residents who remain in that state. North Carolina was outranked only by Texas when it comes to sticking around. According to data released by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, North Carolina retains 75.5% of its natives. Texas led the pack at 82%.
Why do so many people choose to stay in North Carolina? It could be the state’s beautiful geography, including scenic beaches and awe-inspiring mountains. Many cite the moderate climate, while others point to the strong and diverse economy.
Rounding out the top five spots on the state stickiness list were Georgia at 75.5%, California at 73% and Utah at 72.9%. The least sticky states were Alaska, North Dakota and Alaska. They all retain less than half of their native population on average.
All of the stickiest states have a few things in common. Each of the top five reported above-average job growth between 2010 and 2019. They also have below-average state and local taxes.