(Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
There was a story in the news this morning about a 100 year old lady that just went to her first professional football game. It was on her bucket list. Want to live to be 100? Here are the ten secrets to living to be 100.
Personally, that is not a goal of mine but some people just want to live just as long as possible. According to a new article by MailOnline, these are the top 10 secrets to living to 100.
This one makes sense. Stay active. Another one is learning a new skill. It keeps you younger to socialize according to the study. Don’t forget to eat well. Living by the sea is a good idea if you want to live to be 100. Take the stairs as often as your health allows. And while you are walking join a walking group.
While we are on the topic of walking, it keeps you younger to walk in nature. Or try a new form of physical activity. To learn more about the top ten secrets to living to be 100, get details here.
While my wife and I still have a few years of work ahead before we can retire, that doesn’t stop us from dreaming about where we want to spend our later years. But as great as some locations may sound, they may not be ideal for retirement for a variety of reasons, and now a new report reveals which places are the best and worst to live out your golden years.
WalletHub has just come out with their picks for the Best and Worst Places to Retire in the U.S. They judged more than 180 cities across 46 key metrics ranking them in areas like Affordability, Activities, Quality of Life and Health Care. According to the site, Charleston, South Carolina is the best place to retire scoring a 58.97 out of 100. Charleston gets its best marks for activities (15) and affordability (21).
Overall, retirees would do pretty well in Florida, with four of the top ten cities in the Sunshine State. When it comes to affordability, Montgomery, Alabama, is tops; while Washington, DC is number one for activities; Fremont, California is number one for quality of life; and South Burlington, Vermont is best for health care.
Charlotte only ranks 85th overall, but at least its not last. That dubious distinction goes to Bridgeport, Connecticut. You can see the complete ranking HERE.
Ten Best Places to Retire in the U.S. (WalletHub)