New Exercise Pill May Help People Lose Weight By Mimicking Exercise
Is this a good idea? Soon there may be a new exercise pill that may help people lose weight. This is a study out of the University of Florida. Researchers have reportedly developed a new pill that may help you lose weight by mimicking the benefits of exercise.
According to Study Finds, the compound is called SLU-PP-332. It reportedly tricks muscles into thinking they have been working out and doing exercise. This will reportedly melt fat and increase metabolism.
So how do we know? Well, the drug was tested on obese mice. It helped them lose weight so it might work on humans as well. It increased endurance in mice without having to do exercise. Researchers reportedly are hopeful the compound could someday treat obesity, diabetes and age related muscle loss.
To learn more get details from StudyFind right here.
10 Most Popular TikTok Diet Trends In The United States
March is National Nutrition Month, and in anticipation, the most popular TikTok diet trends in the US have been revealed. The data was compiled and analyzed by food sensitivity specialist YorkTest. They researched the most viewed diet-related hashtags on TikTok, to come up with a list of the most popular trends in 2022.
Leading the way was keto the low-carb, high-fat diet. It’s so popular that it has over ten billion views and not just that, it’s almost double the number of views than any other diet or eating lifestyle. They found that an average of 550,000 Americans search for ‘keto diet’ each month on Google. The demand for keto-focused recipes is extremely high.
This comes at a time when anti-diet culture is gaining momentum and while things like intuitive eating and holistic health did make this list they have substantially fewer views than other trends.
Read on for the 10 Most Popular TikTok Diet Trends:
Source YorkTest
Catherine Lane is the morning show co-host and midday host on Country 1037 in Charlotte, North Carolina. She has been with the station for the past 24 years and is a recipient of the Academy of Country Music Major Market Personality of the Year award. Catherine has been on air in both radio and television in the Queen City for 38 years. As a content creator for Country 1037, Catherine writes blogs on local events and restaurants. She also writes about great travel spots and out of the way places in the Carolinas. Anything outdoors, travel, food, animals or the many country artists from the Carolinas.