First Ever North Carolina Buc-ee’s Hits A Roadblock As Town Not So Sure They Want It
Buc-ees Travel Stop looks to put a location in Alamance County in North Carolina. Here the mascot poses with visitors to the Florence, South Carolina store. Plans have run into a roadblock after a community meeting.
Ok, I feel like I’ve written dozens of stories about the famous Texas-based Buc-ee’s. However, the first ever North Carolina Buc-ee’s hits a roadblock as a certain North Carolina town is not so sure they want the giant travel stop coming to their area. The Buc-ee’s location is proposed on a 32 acre plot in Mebane, North Carolina.
But, according to WRAL, the plans for the first ever North Carolina Buc-ee’s ran into trouble. Residents packed into a community meeting this week to express thoughts on the planned development. And, after a lengthy 4 hour meeting, the town planning board voted 3-6 to recommend denying rezoning approval for Buc-ee’s.
If you ever visit a Buc-ee’s you know how popular the giant fueling station and store are among travelers. In fact, we plot our trips to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to make sure we stop off at the Florence location. It’s truly like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Imagine Disneyworld for weary road travelers. Each Buc-ee’s location sports more than 120 fuel pumps. And, once you go inside, it’s an assault on the senses, in a good way.
First, it’s massively huge. And, they literally win awards for their bathrooms. They are the cleanest restrooms on the planet. And, there’s tons of them. So, even as packed as the place gets, the lines move super fast. And, the bathrooms have attendants constantly cleaning and directing flow of traffic.
Then, there’s the food! Buc-ee’s employees folks to constantly chop and slice Texas style brisket for wraps and sandwiches. They even offer breakfast wraps that include the decadent smoked ‘caviar’ of Texas. Then, there’s fudge, kolaches, roasted and candied nuts and a unique treat known as ‘Beaver Nuggets.’
And, there’s a whole park like area to give your furry friends a road trip break. Granted Buc-ee’s does bring along lots of traffic. However, it’s so well managed there’s never a backup. So, I understand the massiveness of the spot gives locals pause. But, I still think it brings more good than bad.
So, we wait and see what the Mebane City Council decides when they tackle the issue at their January meeting. For more on the first ever North Carolina Buc-ee’s hits a roadblock story, see the full article from WRAL.
Steer Clear: 8 Grocery Store Behaviors to Avoid
Going to the grocery store is a routine task for many of us. It’s a place where we gather the essentials of daily life, and it can be a bit of a chore. Supermarkets are often busy and filled with several shoppers, and the experience can sometimes be overwhelming. One factor that can significantly impact our grocery store trips is the behavior of fellow shoppers. Many of us have left the grocery store in a less-than-stellar mood, whether it’s due to pushiness, rudeness, or simply being inconsiderate.
Grocery Store Behaviors
Supermarkets are like mini universes where everyone’s in their own little world. As we navigate the aisles and make our selections, it’s important to be mindful of our actions and how they can affect others. Being a considerate grocery shopper means being aware of your surroundings and thinking about others. This involves avoiding behaviors such as blocking aisles with your cart, leaving your cart unattended in inconvenient spots, or engaging in loud phone conversations that can disturb others. Instead, keep your cart to one side, move efficiently, and keep noise levels considerate.
Respecting personal space is another key aspect of good grocery shopping etiquette. We all move at different paces when we shop. And nobody likes feeling crowded, especially when trying to pick out your cereal. Don’t tailgate fellow shoppers, and if someone’s in your way, just be patient or politely ask if you can “scooch” past.
When it comes to selecting products, don’t turn into the hoarder of items, which can lead to empty shelves and inconvenience for others. Buying up everything in sight just creates stress for others. Grab what you need and leave some for the rest of us, especially during those crazy times when everyone’s stocking up. Also, don’t open packages or start sampling stuff unless the store gives you the green light.
Grocery shopping etiquette might not be rocket science, but it sure makes life easier for everyone. Since we spend so much time in these stores, let’s make it a good experience for everyone. Just be mindful of what you’re doing, respect personal space, and don’t be a hoarder or a package opener. The next time you’re on a grocery shopping adventure, remember that a little consideration can go a long way in making it enjoyable for you and your fellow shoppers.
Take a look at some additional grocery store behaviors to avoid below.
Debbie Nance is the afternoon co-host along with her husband on "The Charlie and Debbie Show" at WSOC, Country 1037 in Charlotte, North Carolina. She has been with the station for 18 years. Debbie is a CMA Award winner for Radio Personality of the Year. And, she has worked in radio for 40 years. Before her current afternoon position, Debbie spent more than a decade as co-host on morning shows in several markets across the Southeast. As a content creator for Country 1037, Debbie writes articles about food, new restaurants in the Carolinas and travel experiences.