North Carolinians Dumping Social Media Platforms-ESPECIALLY This One
Let me start by acknowledging that I get the irony. I’m speaking on the ills of social media, online in a blog, and there’s a good chance you came to read this by clicking a link on social media. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, we can talk about North Carolinians deleting social media apps.
Why Are North Carolinians Ditching Social Media
Looking at the data, there’s nothing odd or out of the ordinary here. If I were to ask you why you have or would consider leaving social media, chances are I can guess your reasons. I would say privacy issues, hacking issues, and with a new election cycle upon us, you just don’t want to deal with all the crap. How’d I do? What do the experts say? The Carolina Journal, quoting a spokesperson for Viralyft (a company devoted to social media influencer marketing) states, “Social media apps are often downloaded and deleted frequently due to many reasons. One common reason could be privacy concerns, and data security can prompt users to delete social media for more secure alternatives. Other worries can include the introduction of new AI features and their mishaps on social media platforms, as new technology malfunctions can panic people.”
What Social Media Apps Are North Carolinians Dumping Most
Viralyft’s national survey found that the most deleted apps (in order) are: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Telegram (must admit, never even heard of that. Looked it up and found it’s a messenger app).
So, what about North Carolina? The John Locke Foundation was created in 1990 as an independent, nonprofit think tank dedicated to defending and advancing freedom and working for truth, for freedom, for the future of North Carolina. According to their study, the top 5 most deleted apps in North Carolina are: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Snapchat.
Most interesting to me is that on both the national and local level, the two “Old People Apps” (speaking stereotypically as my college age son), Facebook and Instagram are the most commonly deleted.