Channing Tatum Filming in Charlotte And The Movie Needs Extras
It’s not the first time this sexy movie star has made a movie in Charlotte. He was here in 2017 making the film “Logan Lucky”. Channing Tatum filming in Charlotte and if that isn’t exciting enough, the movie needs lots of extras.
Channing Tatum Filming In Charlotte
Channing Tatum will be the star of a movie called “Roofman”. And he will reportedly be in the Queen City from October til December. The Austin, Texas based casting agency called “The Cast Station” confirmed the information via email with the Charlotte Observer this week.
The Movie Needs You
Right now the movie is in pre-production according to the Charlotte Regional Film Commission. And this is where you come in. They are currently looking for extras and other movie helpers. You might be asking yourself what this film is about. And it sounds like it might be another wacky caper. The movie centers around Jeffrey Manchester, better know as the “Rooftop Robber”.
Movie Extras Will Get Paid A Lot Per Day
Manchester became infamous after breaking into dozens of fast food restaurants including in the Charlotte area. He reportedly got by with this for two years before getting arrested in 2000 in Gaston County. But the story didn’t end there, four years later he escaped from a prison in Anson County and hitchhiked to Charlotte. He managed to hide for several months inside an abandoned Circuit City and Toys R Us on Independence Boulevard.

The former U.S. Army Reserve officer survived on snacks and baby food in the store. Adding more irony to this story, his finger print on a DVD copy of “Catch Me If You Can” led to his getting caught, again. According to our source, the Charlotte Observer, “The Cast Station is looking for “real people” roles, including lawyers, police, a judge, prison guards, news anchors, dentists and a pastor”.
And this might be the best part, some extras may get paid up to $1,200 a day! For more information on how you can apply, just go right here. Maybe, we will see you in the movies!