Thomas Rhett And Wife Lauren Are Open To Having Another Child
Thomas Rhett recently told US Weekly in an interview that he and his wife are considering expanding their family with a fifth child.
4 Is Great But Why Not 5
Despite being content with their four kids, they are open to the idea of adding another member to their family in the next few years. With their youngest child starting school soon, the couple is excited about the prospect of more free time and the possibility of welcoming a new addition to their family. “We’re both really happy with four. Lillie’s starting school, so we’ve been like giddy little kids saying, ‘What are we going to do with eight hours a day, three days a week?’ But it wouldn’t be shocking if a fifth [came along] in the next three or four years,” Rhett told the outlet.
It Was Love From The Beginning
US Weekly reports Thomas said, “We were 21 years old and we were on her parents’ front porch, and I was like, ‘Hey, we’re either going to date or I can’t see your face for five years because I’ve been in love with you since I was 16,’” the singer shares in the latest issue of Us Weekly. “It was the first time we kissed, and we got engaged six months later.”