Fall Color In North Carolina 2024 And When Is The Best Time To See It
Last week, we experienced what some refer to as “fake fall” in the Charlotte area. The temperatures were cooler and we couldn’t help but notice just a kiss of color among the trees. When will we see fall color in North Carolina 2024? It’s almost real fall y’all!
Fall Color In North Carolina 2024
The News and Observer has it absolutely right. Fall color makes you want to do all the autumn things like picking apples, tasting cider or those delicious homemade apple doughnuts. We have the perfect place for that near my house in York County, called Windy Hill. Yum. But I digress. Let’s talk fall color in North Carolina.
It’s All About Temperature, Rainfall and Genetics
The United States Forest Service says the timing and intensity of fall color has some determining factors. The experts say it depends on temperature and rainfall. Tree genetics play a part as well. This is a direct quote from the News and Observer about fall color in North Carolina. “According to the Forest Service and N.C. State University’s College of Natural Resource, the most brilliant autumn colors follow a warm, wet spring, a moderate summer and warm, sunny fall days with cool (but not freezing) nights. If it’s too dry during the growing season, the leaves may turn early. If fall is too warm, the colors may be dimmed”
Well, spring was a mixed bag of conditions and weather. The experts say March was rainy but April was hotter and dryer than it normally is. Long story short, this will not be one of the books when it comes to fall color in North Carolina 2024. But it will be nice from mid to late October . For more, consult the Farmer‘s Almanac. We can expect the first bits of color in the upper elevations in the western part of North Carolina the last week of September and the first week of October.

Fall color in North Carolina 2024 will peak in the mountains around the second or third week of October. Make sure you take your fall color trip before mid November. The experts say the show will be over by then. If you happen to be in West Jefferson, North Carolina the last week of October you just may run into me. Happy Fall Y’all!