3 Signs You’re Experiencing Burnout
Burnout can happen to anyone and sometimes when we have so much on our plates it can be hard to tell when things are starting to take a toll on our mental and physical health. The good thing is there are a few ways your body lets you know you’re experiencing burnout according to CNBC Make It.
Molly Burrets is a licensed clinical psychologist who says that burnout is a type of chronic condition that can increase the likelihood of depression and anxiety. She says that spotting the signs of burnout is extremely important so that you can prevent or reverse its damage. Burrets says that there are three different categories of symptoms when it comes to burnout: emotional, physical, and behavioral.
Emotions are one of the biggest key indicators of something like burnout. They’re also what people think of when they think of the signs of burnout. According to Burrets, “these [signs] are ones that people are often most primed to notice and understand indicate a real problem.” Some of the emotional signs of burnout include: loss of motivation, increased irritability, feeling drained emotionally and detached, feeling negative about different responsibilities, and higher levels of frustration.
Burret says that the most common physical symptoms are things like sleep disturbances, including insomnia, and chronic fatigue. Some other physical indications of burnout include: muscle pain, weak immune system, recurring headaches, and digestive issues.
Behavioral changes can also be an indication of burnout. Burret says that some changes in behavior can be a sign that you’re using coping mechanisms. The most common behavioral symptoms are things like binge drinking, overeating, or drug use. However, behavior symptoms can also include: procrastination, isolation from those you care about, lower productivity, and withdrawing from social responsibilities.