If you travel around at all, you learn that each state has a particular food they are know for. And, they take pride in that dish. But, if you don’t have a chance to visit all 50 states, and who does…msn.com put together a list of the most iconic food in each state. So, what is North Carolina’s most iconic food? Well, we start with North and South Carolina and move to the neighboring states of Georgia, Tennessee and Virginia. MSN says the famous dishes from each state grew out of history, geography and the people who grew up there. Furthermore, they suggest if you want to take a road trip to try out all the foods, try some of their tips to save money on travel costs. Following their list they compare credit cards for gas and dining and how to get great deals.
Of course, I love to try new foods everywhere I visit. However, I don’t get a chance too often to travel a bunch. But, I can probably venture a guess as to what might be the most iconic food in North Carolina. I bet you can, too. Although, half the fun is the suspense and ultimately finding out. So, let’s see if we guessed correctly. And, you can check the full list, as well. Bonus spoiler…the favorite in my home state of Texas is the Beef Brisket. When it’s low and slow there’s nothing like it!
Finally, here is North Carolina’s most iconic food and those in our neighboring states according to MSN.