Key Need To Know Points About NC’s Modified Stay-At-Home Order
A meeting that is normally private was made public today for the first time. Mecklenburg County Business Leaders had their first public round table meeting.
The meeting was public due to the stay-at-home order in place, plus, the first phase of modifying that order kicks off May 8th. During this meeting, important elements of that phase were discussed. Thanks to Joe Bruno, here are a few key points to recap. Phase 1 of the modified stay-at-home order kicks off this Friday, May 8th.
Diorio says the stay at home order will be modified, not lifted. That means people will be able to allowed to leave their houses for some activities like shopping. But the order is still in effect. Diorio says all indications are we will enter Phase 1 as of May 8th #MeckBOCC
— Joe Bruno (@JoeBrunoWSOC9) May 4, 2020
A representative of the NC Retailers Association says in phase 1, businesses that reopen will have the same occupancy requirements as businesses that are open now. 20% of fire code or 5 people per 1000 sq ft @wsoctv
— Joe Bruno (@JoeBrunoWSOC9) May 4, 2020
Some news- County Health Director Gibbie Harris says the state is likely going to recommend anyone who leaves their house to have a face covering. Harris wants to explore a face mask requirement for shoppers in phase 1 #MeckBOCC
— Joe Bruno (@JoeBrunoWSOC9) May 4, 2020
On dressing rooms- some retailers may sanitize and steam clothes that are tried on and not purchase. Others have indicated they will clean the items and keep them off the shelves for a couple days. There's a good chance some places won't open their dressing rooms #MeckBOCC
— Joe Bruno (@JoeBrunoWSOC9) May 4, 2020