You Might Not Want To Let Your Phone Die Before Recharging
According to WCNC Charlotte, you might not want to let your phone die before recharging. There are some who believe that letting your phone’s battery die before charging helps to extend the battery’s lifespan. However, this is false and can actually damage your phone’s battery.
Lithium-ion batteries are used in modern phones. These batteries are actually worse off if you wait until they die to recharge them.
The most common type of battery in potable electronics is lithium-ion batteries. Battery University says these batteries tend to wear down then they are drained to 0% before recharging.
Batteries Plus blog post says “It’s actually a common misconception that you should allow your phone battery to completely die before recharging. Modern lithium batteries that are used in phones today will wear out much faster than they should if you constantly drain the battery to 0%, or let it die, before recharging.”
However, keeping this type of battery on the charger at full charge can also decrease the battery’s lifespan. When you get a new device, it has a full charge, but it is suggested that after this you continue to only partially charge your device.
According to a senior quality engineer for Batteries Plus, Osarumen Igbinijesu “Ideally, you can keep your lithium battery at 20 to 80% state of charge. That’s the best way to preserve life in the long run.”
Some major manufacturers that recommend this type of battery care include Apple, Google, and Samsung. All of these manufacturers also say to keep your device from overheating to preserve the battery.
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Astrologer Says These Zodiac Signs Never Charge Their Phones
Apparently, a person can be bad at charging their phone because of their zodiac sign. Recently, an astrologer shared with Bustle that there are signs that always have their phone at 20 percent. Michelle Bell, the founder of the astrology app Cosmic Fusion, pointed out which zodiac signs are most likely to utter the words, “Can we use your phone? Mine is about to die,” during a night out.
The zodiac is divided into twelve signs including Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Your zodiac sign is based on your birthday. However, when it comes to astrology, there is more to your zodiac than just your birthday. For instance, there are element associations, as well as the moon or rising signs, and others.
The ancient Babylonians created the zodiac with each of its 12 sections named after the largest constellation it contained. They observed that the movement of planets, called transits, corresponded with both future events and misfortunes on Earth.
According to The Good Trade, astrology highlights your strengths and weaknesses and offers information about things like love, career, family life, and life purpose.
Some zodiac signs are either too busy or too preoccupied to plug in their phones at night. You could be one of the three signs who never charges their phone.
Get more in-depth information about those zodiac signs here.
An astrologer says that these zodiac signs never charge their phones.
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