Virginia Man Loses 50 Pounds Eating McDonald’s
You go brother! A 53 year old man from Lynchburg , Virginia recently lost 50 pounds eating nothing but McDonald’s. He ate the fast food for breakfast lunch and dinner for three months. How in the world could this be.
It is true because we are finding out about it through WSET, a reliable source. His name is Jeff Woolard and it is not exactly as it seems. He reportedly cut the serving sizes in half and drank seven bottles of water on a daily basis. So he might eat half a breakfast sandwich, half a lunch meal and so on.
Jeff lost 50 pounds! He went from 270 pounds to 220 pounds and he says he didn’t exercise. But how about that cholesterol level? Just fine! His cholesterol dropped and he is no longer pre-diabetic. Woolard says his goal is to be 195 but no word if he plans on going to McDonald’s to get there.
We can’t recommend this diet but it worked for him. To learn more get details right here from WSET.
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This Brunch Classic Is North Carolina's Favorite Comfort Food
There is just something about your favorite comfort food. While I won’t binge on them constantly, I enjoy some good down-home southern home cooking from time to time. Personally for me when I think of comfort foods I think of things like mac and cheese, chicken pot pie, or a grilled cheese sandwich. But those are just a few of the endless examples. The Oxford Dictionary defines comfort foods as “food that provides consolation or a feeling of well-being, typically any with a high sugar or other carbohydrate content and associated with childhood or home cooking.”
The researchers over at E-Conolight analyzed Google search data to determine the most popular comfort foods in each state. And by popular they mean the most searched for. And there were some fantastic foods that made the list including chicken and dumplings, cheese grits, pot roast, stuffing, and chili. In fact, reading this list has made me hungry for lunch. And not the salad I was planning on having either. But what did the data show as the most popular comfort food in North Carolina? It’s a good one that combines both sweet and salty and honestly what more can you ask of a food?
Keep reading to see which foods the Carolinas and neighboring states love. Want to see more? You can read the full E-Conolight article here.