Strange Way Night Owls Can Fix Their Sleep Schedule
The normal 9-to-5 work world can be extremely difficult to adjust to for night owls. However, a sleep expert has recently found an interesting way to fix this problem according to CNBC Make It.
Dr. Mandana Mahmoudi is a clinical director of sleep medicine who has spent many years mastering her field.
Mahmoudi says that she recommends a trip to Europe for those who want to fix their sleep schedule; “I’ve sent a lot of my patients for a 10-day trip to Europe as a vacation.” Here’s why she suggest this trip.
Night owls naturally go to bed and wake up later than most other people because of their circadian rhythms. Traveling creates a sort of jet lag when you go to time zones that aren’t similar to your own. Mahmoudi says this helps to create a sleep schedule that’s closer to the 9-to-5 schedule for those struggling to wake earlier like night owls.
Mahmoudi noticed that when compared to other sleep hacks like taking melatonin or trying light therapy, the ten day trip to Europe took a lot less time to fix night owls sleep schedules. She says, “when you come back from Europe, you will have a natural jet lag no matter what. Even if you’re sleeping until noon European time, that’s like 6 a.m. U.S. time.”
To keep this European time zone sleep schedule Mahmoudi recommends that you take 0.5 to 1 milligram of melatonin 2-3 hours before you want to go to bed once you get back to the US.
“Consistency after [the trip] is important because you genetically are a night owl. So unless you keep yourself in line with the load of melatonin [at night] and light in the morning, you will drift out again,” Mahmoudi says.