Simple Things You Can Do To Become More Organized
Being organized and keeping the spaces around you tidy and clean can make a huge positive impact in your life. Having a space that is in order can help to reduce stress, create a relaxing environment and enhance productivity. These are the top five ways that you can stay organized according to GoodNet:
Create a to-do list that is realistic
A to-do list that is created properly helps to set you up for success. This means creating a to-do list that is realistic and not never ending or impossible. When making a to-do list it can be helpful to put the tasks that are the most important at the top of the list so they get done first. Once you are done with the tasks it’s important that you cross them off so that you feel a almost guarantied sense of accomplishment.
Make your bed each morning
Making your bed in the morning is a good way to start your day off. Doing this small task can get you ready for the day ahead and can also make you feel much more productive bright and early. When you make your bed you don’t need to do anything fancy if you don’t want to. Just tidying the covers and pillows is enough to start the day off right.
Find a spot to put each item
It can be very annoying to not be able to find your remote when you want to watch TV or the keys to your car. This problem can be completely solved by having a dedicated area for each item you own. This could be you coffee table for the remote or a certain drawer for your keys. This will give you a sense of certainty every time you put things away and you won’t have to feel the stress of not knowing where something is. When you do this it’s also good to get into the habit of putting things away immediately after they are used and not waiting till later.
Declutter all spaces (physical, virtual and mental)
Not being cluttered is key to being organized. When your space feels messy and cluttered it can cause anxiety and stress. It also makes you more likely to be distracted. It’s important to both physically declutter and mentally declutter. Physical decluttering can mean cleaning off your coffee table or your work desk. Mental decluttering can look like freeing negative thoughts from your mind or getting done with a task that has been on your mind for a while. Virtual decluttering is also important. It can be done by going through emails or notifications and sorting them. All of these are worth cleaning up in the long run.
Keep a calendar
Keeping a calender can not only help you be productive and organized but it can also help you remember important dates. Having a space that has all your important task and days jotted down in one spot can release a lot of stressed that can be caused trying to remember them. This organized space can help you to always be prepared for what is happening next.