There’s A Carolina Panthers JERSEY Schedule?!
Believe it or not, there once was a time where you couldn't purchase an authentic team jersey of your favorite professional franchise. Not only that, but as far as the team was concerned, jerseys were kind of an afterthought. Basic rules were you wore colors at home, and white on the road. My how times have changed. Look no further than our hometown NFL team. Behold, the Carolina Panthers Jersey Schedule. A Carolina Panthers Jersey Schedule Is Actually A Thing? I know, right? I mentioned a second ago that when I was a boy, there was NO WAY one could purchase a Houston Astros, Rockets, or Oilers jersey. It seems comical that it never occurred to anyone that these could be major revenue generators. Now of course, getting a jersey is an internet click away. As such, jerseys have become a big deal. Think about all the different combinations you see from all teams in all sports throughout a season? The more you have, the more the demand of the public is, the more money can be made. Not only that, but the Carolina Panthers have actually released a jersey schedule. WTH? I mean I've heard of a pre-season schedule and a regular season schedule, but a JERSEY schedule? Brace yourself, here we go. Behold The Carolina Panthers Jersey Schedule First off, every Panthers jersey worn this season will be adorned with a patch designating this, the 30th anniversary season. The Panthers will again don jerseys in white, black and blue with white being worn the most (as usual). According to WCNC, your Carolina Panthers will wear white 11 times in the 2024 season. The team's black jerseys will be worn four times and the blue jerseys will be worn twice. Black and blue will only be worn at home games. Let's break it down a little further. The Panthers will be in white the first five weeks (two home games/three away contests). The team's blue jerseys get broken out in week 6 against the Atlanta Falcons. The black jerseys appear in week 9 against the Saints. Blue returns in week 10 against the Giants and Black is on deck for weeks 12, 13, and 14. Oh, and if you're needing to stock your closet? Here ya go!.