High School Football Finally Coming To Bank Of America Stadium
There was some great irony on the day of Jerry Richardson’s death. The first and longtime Carolina Panthers owner always had one business practice that drove me nuts. Mr. Richardson DID NOT like any event other than a Panthers game to be held in Bank of America Stadium. It was always weird to me that outside of an occasional college or bowl game, there was never a concert, nothing. I don’t know why, but it never occurred to me the obvious: there’s never been a high school game there.
WHAT? That’s crazy, right? Growing up in Houton, Texas, teams played in the Astrodome/Reliant Stadium all the time. The same is true for Dallas’ Texas Stadium/AT&T Stadium. It was kind of bizarre to attend as you had tens of thousands of empty seats, but as a player, it was a huge thrill. Yesterday, on the day Mr. Richardson passed, it was announced that this glass ceiling will be broken. August 19th will find Charlotte’s Providence Day taking on Rock Hill’s. 19, Rock Hill Northwestern High School. Kickoff will be at 7pm and the matchup is between two schools that competed in their respective classes state championships last year. Tickets will be $5 per person and go on sale during the summer.