AMC Charging More For ‘The Batman’
AMC Entertainment has announced that they’re testing out a new pricing model with new films and it will start this weekend with The Batman. The Deadline says the new pricing model will make new films higher than other films playing at the same time.
Right now, no one knows how much higher the newer films will be than the other films. AMC had done this with their prices before with weekend prices and midweek prices. The formula has been working at its international theaters for years.
Adam Aron the CEO of AMC said “This is all quite novel in the United States, but actually AMC has been doing it for years in our European theaters. Indeed, in Europe we charge a premium for the best seats in the house — as do just about all sellers of tickets in other industries — take sports events, concerts and live theater, for example.” Aron sees “considerable upside opportunity ahead if we continue to be imaginative” on pricing.