South Carolina City Might Hire Sharpshooters To Control Deer Population
According to WCNC, an overwhelming deer population has the city of Tega Cay seeking a solution. They are considering a controversial way to get it under control. They are considering hiring “sharpshooters” to euthanize the deer.
According to the State of South Carolina, this idea of deer control is not new. Some Tega Cay residents are not happy about it. They say it’s “cruel and violent.”
In a survey by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, over 800 deer were spotted in the five miles of Tega Cay city limits. That’s over nine times the acceptable number. Homeowners have been complaining saying deer are damaging property.
The city has been working with the state on a few options to get this under control. They could relocate the deer. People would tranquilize the deer and move them to a different spot. Or they could use Sterilization. Deer would be captured and administered a sort of birth control.
Another suggestion is hiring sharpshooters. The city and state estimate it’ll cost about $200 per deer shot and killed. There’s the intent of removing at least 400 deer. That cost totals at least $80,000.
Obviously, safety is a concern. Tega Cay also has Ordinance 70. This makes discharging a firearm illegal within city limits. The city should vote on this soon.
DOE A DEER🦌 : WOW!! We are here in Tegna Cay where the City says the deer population is out of control… But, there are a couple options in place… One of them — hiring “sharpshooters.”
— Austin Walker TV (@AustinCWalker) September 22, 2022
Residents say “it’s inhumane & aggressive.” We have the full story coming up on @wcnc @ 11.