South Carolina City Deals With Deer Debate
Oh dear! This South Carolina city is dealing with a deer debate. We all love to spot the furry woodland creatures every now and then but in Tega Cay, it has really gotten to be a problem. It might possibly even be a health and safety issue.
According to the Tega Cay City Council, back in 2015 a survey showed there were about 67 deer per square mile . Here in 2023, there are around 349 deer per square mile. That is a lot of deer.
Some neighbors are complaining the deer are infesting their yards, eating their plants and doing what nature calls them to do. Some of the Tega Cay residents say it is gross and they are tired of it. The city plans to meet to discuss the options on how to cull the herd humanely and effectively.
To learn more get details here from Channel 9.
Here Are The 5 Best State Parks For Hiking In South Carolina
The daffodils are blooming, the Japanese cherry trees are glorious and all I can think about is lacing up my hiking boots and heading to the nearest State Park. Here are the five best state parks for hiking in South Carolina. Only In Your State never disappoints. One of these is also one of my personal favorites.
Hiking is one of the best ways to fire all the happy chemicals in your brain. Here is what you get from hiking. According to Google here are the benefits, As Daniel Levitin explains in his book, Successful Aging, hiking exercises the part of your brain designed to help you navigate through life—for example, the restrosplenial cortex and the hippocampus, which aids in memory, too—which is why hiking not only helps your heart, but helps your mind stay sharp, as well. Plus it is fun!
Our family hikes quite a bit and when I go with my kids I tell them; breathe deep, look around and enjoy every step. It increases the dopamine in your brain, you will sleep better and we have a no phones policy so the talks are nice.
There are so many wonderful state parks in both North Carolina and South Carolina where you can hike, camp, ride bikes or horses. Here are the 5 best state parks for hiking in South Carolina.