Here’s What The Fall Leaf Color Looks Like Right Now In The North Carolina Mountains
I just got back from a girls weekend in Blowing Rock and Boone. We did a lot of eating, hiking, and mountain admiring. What we were hoping to see was a lot of fall color across those mountains. Here is what the fall leaf color looks like right now in the North Carolina mountains. As of October 15, 2023, you have not missed the peak of color.
It is hard to pin point exactly when the fall foliage will show up and show out. It is also not precise about whether the season will be vibrant or dull. For those planning a trip to the high country, fall color experts remind leaf lookers that color will start at the top or higher elevations. Then move downward as the weeks go by.
Here is what the fall leaf color looks like right now in the North Carolina mountains. We were primarily in Blowing Rock which of course is such a great mountain town. My friend Renee owns about 20 acres near the top and we were a little surprised there wasn’t more color. I like to say there were pops of color here and there. The color we did see was very vibrant. The reds were gorgeous and you can tell the golds were coming in. I would say there is about ten to fifteen percent color right now where she lives.
As we were traveling towards town, we noticed more color in the mountains. We were heading to higher elevation and that made a big difference. If I were to put a percentage on it, traveling towards the town of Blowing Rock the color is maybe at 20-30 percent. I think it is safe to say the colors will be beautiful and vibrant this year. To learn more about what the leaf color looks like right now in the North Carolina mountains, check out a great story here from Channel 9. If you go into the town of Blowing Rock, be sure to look for the honor system pumpkin patch. There are a variety of pumpkins to choose from, then you drop your money in a box on the honor system. That made my heart sing.
North Carolina Has 2 of the Most Beautiful Areas for Fall Colors in America
The fall season is a glorious time in America. From coast to coast, many different areas off beautiful fall colors in radiant reds, oranges and yellows. So, what are the most beautiful spots for fall colors in America?
Peak fall foliage season is different based on where you are located. Some areas of the U.S. see fall colors as early as September, while others peak later on, such as in October or even November. Generally speaking, areas with longer winters will have earlies fall colors, and areas with longer summers will have later fall colors. Most of America hits peak fall foliage season in the month of October. Of course, areas bordering Canada will be the first to see those colors.
If you’re wondering the science behind the fall colors, the color that the leaves become depends on a few factors. Those include the chlorophyll and weather conditions during the summer or fall. Chlorophyll is a pigment that aids in giving leaves their color. In general, big changes from the norm in precipitation, whether it’s getting way too much rain or not enough, can really impact the fall foliage season.
Also, I remember last year, the radiant colors in my area fell off the trees early. The reason was that we had a wind storm come through, so the leaves fell prematurely. I was pretty upset about it, because not only do I like to see beautiful fall colors, I also like to paint fall colors. So, my muse was gone.
That said, if you are in the mood to view fall colors this year, here are some great places to do it. Read on for 10 Beautiful spots in America for fall colors. What are your favorite areas to see fall foliage? Reach out to me on social media here and let me know.
North Carolina Has 2 of the Most Beautiful Spots for Fall Colors in America
Catherine Lane is the morning show co-host and midday host on Country 1037 in Charlotte, North Carolina. She has been with the station for the past 24 years and is a recipient of the Academy of Country Music Major Market Personality of the Year award. Catherine has been on air in both radio and television in the Queen City for 38 years. As a content creator for Country 1037, Catherine writes blogs on local events and restaurants. She also writes about great travel spots and out of the way places in the Carolinas. Anything outdoors, travel, food, animals or the many country artists from the Carolinas.