8 Sneaky Indicators That Your Boss Wants To Let You Go
You can almost feel it coming. I have been fired twice in my lifetime. And in the business I’m in, that’s a pretty good track record. Both times, I knew it was going to happen, it was just a matter of time. Here are 8 sneaky indicators that your boss wants to let you go.
8 Sneaky Indicators That Your Boss Wants To Fire You
Getting fired hurts. And if you can see it coming it might sting just a little less. At least you would have time to prepare. And sadly, we are getting towards the end of the year. And at the end of the year the boss wants to get to that bottom line. We see it all the time in my line of work.
New Boss? Not Invited To Meetings? There’s Your Sign
Here are 8 sneaky indicators that your boss wants to let you go. This is according to Finance Buzz. Oh, I have seen this happen and when I do, I know something is up. The constructive feedback stops. And it stops because you are about to be of no concern to the boss.

Another sneaky indicator that the boss wants to let you go, you haven’t received a raise. Again, in my industry this is happening more and more. In radio it isn’t necessarily an indicator but in some professions it is for sure. Also, your boss has become distant, they just don’t come around anymore and when they do it is very direct and impersonal.
When you are left out of meeting or email chain. Well, there’s your sign. Oh this is for sure one of those sneaky signs, someone with the same or better skills was hired . And you haven’t been given any new projects either. That might be because you won’t have time to finish them. Oh this is starting to look grim.
When a new boss is hired, watch out. He or she could want to clean house. Or the new boss may want your very value experience, so hang in there. For more information check out details from our source, Finance Buzz right here.