Wow. I’ve been sort of waiting to see when we would start seeing movies about this. When I saw last year that HBO was producing a movie based on Joe Paterno’s life (with Al Pacino in the title role), I wasn’t sure if this was going to be a standard, rah-rah, biopic or if it was doing to deal with what WE REALLY want to know about…
The scandal that took town a legend and a University.
Well, here’s the official synopis and trailer:
“The drama centers on Penn State’s Joe Paterno in the aftermath of the sexual abuse scandal revolving around his assistant coach Jerry Sandusky. After becoming the “winningest” coach in college football history, Paterno’s legacy is challenged and he is forced to face questions of institutional failure in regard to the victims. Sandusky was ultimately sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison after dozens of allegations of child abuse and molestation. The trailer showcases the various confrontations Paterno faced from individuals wondering exactly what he knew about Sandusky’s abuse as well as the support he received from many at the university.”
This IS NOT going to be flattering or uplifting regarding the man…nor should it be. Nor does it appear to be something you will watch with the kids. Just my opinion.