I almost didn’t bother clicking “Play” on this trailer. I mean, how many different versions of Kipling’s The Jungle Book can I possibly care about? (counting this film…there have been no less than FIFTEEN different takes)
Then I read this description from director Andy Serkis (pictured above left). If that name is familiar, he is best known as the motion capture actor who portrayed, “Caesar” in the recent “Planet of the Apes” trilogy.
“It’s a PG-13, more a kind of ‘Apes’ movie, a slightly darker take, closer to Rudyard Kipling’s. It’s great to scare kids in a safe environment because it’s an important part of development, and we all loved to be scared as kids, so we shouldn’t overly protect them. Kids are so sophisticated, and that is why our ‘Jungle Book’ is quite dark. … It’s a story of an outsider, someone who is trying to accept the laws and customs of a particular way of living and then has to adapt to another culture, a human culture, which of course he should be able to adapt to, because this is what he is. So it’s about two different species and their laws and customs, and neither are entirely right.”
It looks like a dark, “Tarzan” movie. I am SOOOOOOO all in. “Mowgli” opens October 19th.