Taylor Swift Injured Her Hand During A Recent Concert

Don’t worry she is doing just fine. Taylor Swift injured her hand during a recent concert. So, what happened? She says it was 100% her fault.
She reportedly says it was all her fault according to TMZ. Taylor fell backstage in a dark area while running for a costume change. The singer went back on stage with a bloody hand and wrist. Fans noticed and were worried. She was is and will be just fine.
Taylor tweeted: “PS for those asking how I cut my hand, I’m totally fine and it was my fault completely- tripped on my dress hem and fell in the dark while running to a quick change-braced my fall with my palm. It was all very Mercury in retrograde coded. Don’t worry about me I’m goooood”.
Thank goodness!! Taylor is one of the most beloved pop stars performing today. We used to could say, the most beloved country star performing today, oh well. To learn more about this story get all the details from TMZ right here.
A Full List (And Videos) Of Every Surprise Song Taylor Swift Sung On The US Leg Of The Eras Tour
One of the most beloved traditions Taylor Swift has on tour is the surprise song. This tradition got its roots during the Speak Now Tour when she began to sing a cover song acoustic of an artist from the city or state where she was. Somehow even though I saw 3 full shows and a festival performance of this tour I never got a cover song). I did however get one of the first true surprise songs, Never Grow Up at the Speak Now Tour stop in Raleigh, NC. Taylor chose to sing this song as one of her childhood friends was at the show. It’s still one of my favorite Taylor Swift concert memories. By the Red Tour, the surprise song had a permanent spot on the setlist, and it has ever since. What is a Taylor Swift surprise song? It’s a song that is not on the permanent setlist that she sings acoustic. And the best part? We get not one surprise song but two every night on the Era’s Tour.
View the 2024 Surprise Songs Here
About The Surprise Songs
Typically these songs aren’t repeated, and at this point in the tour, nothing has been. She has such a vast discography at this point, it wouldn’t make sense to repeat. Though if she wants to repeat Tim McGraw which she sang at the show the night before I went to the Era’s Tour at another show I’m going to, I wouldn’t complain. Just sob hysterically. But I’ve been very lucky with the surprise songs I have gotten throughout the years, including one she played specifically for me. So I’ll never complain about anything. I’m honestly not sure at this point if I’d rather have an old song that I assume I’ll never hear live again. Or if I want a song I’ve never heard live. At this point, I uncharacteristically am leaning towards the latter. You’re On You’re Own Kid is my top wish right now.
**Update the day I wrote this she played You’re On You’re Own, Kid. But she did say Midnights songs could get played more than once so I’m still holding out hope. To date no song has been repeated, it will speak volumes when/if she does.
***Please note that videos are getting taken down due to copyright notices, I am doing my best to keep the videos working but there could be issues**
****We learned during the Chicago shows, that movie soundtrack songs can be included so I’ve added a random category at the end of the albums****
So if you are trying to keep track, or find out which song could be played at your show keep reading. Below you’ll find a list and videos night by night of each surprise song on The Era’s Tour. At the end, you’ll find a breakdown by album that has permanent setlist songs and surprise songs noted. May the odds be in your favor for your favorite song!
Glendale Arizona Night One
March 17, 2023
Tim McGraw (Debut)
Mirrorball (Folklore)
Glendale Arizona Night 2
March 18, 2023
This Is Me Trying (Folklore)
@shamarahdiana This me trying not to shake while recording 🫠 @taylorswift @taylornation #thisismetryingtaylorswift #glendaletstheerastour #night2 #erastourtaylorswift #blondie
♬ original sound - shamarahdianaState of Grace (RED)
Las Vegas Night One
March 24, 2023
Our Song (Debut)
@folkevermidnights SHE PLAYED OUR SONG AND SEE HOW HAPPY SHE WAS TO SING FROM DEBUT? WE WON THANK YOU MOTHER @taylorswift @taylornation #theerastour #erastour #taylorswift #oursong #lasvegaserastour #vegaserastour #swiftie #swiftok #concerttok #taylornation #midnights #erastourtaylorswift
♬ original sound - AleaSnow On The Beach (Midnights)
Las Vegas Night Two
March 25, 2023
Cowboy Like Me With Marcus Mumford (Evermore)
@noitsbicky I truly cannot believe we got a special guest and it was Marcus to perform Cowboy Like Me 😭 #taylorswift #taylornation #taylorsversion #swiftie #swifttok #tsmidnights #theerastour #13 #cowboylikeme #marcusmumford #lasvegaststheerastour #vivalaseras
♬ original sound - noitsbickyWhite Horse (Fearless)
@horannestyles hearing white horse in 2023 altered my brain… also healed a lot of teenage scars ngl … thank u mother @Taylor Swift #erastour #taylorswift #erastourlasvegas #whitehorse #fyp
♬ original sound - anne ✨Arlington Night One
March 31, 2023
Sad, Beautiful, Tragic (RED)
@_adrianagrace7 We sensed she was sad for a reason!!! #taylorswift #era #eralingtonnight1 #erastour #sadbeautifultragic #taylorandjoe #swifttok #swiftie
♬ original sound - Adriana GraceOurs (Speak Now)
@francisdominiic I cant believe she gave us OURS from Speak Now for the second secret song on The Eras Tour at Arlington, Texas!!!! NIGHT 1 is off to an amazing start!!!!! #TaylorSwift #TaylorNation #TSTheErasTour #ArlingtonTSTheErasTour #TheERASTour #ErasTour #TaylorSwiftWeekend #Texas
♬ original sound - Francis DominicArlington Night Two
April 1, 2023
Death By A Thousand Cuts (Lover)
@lucelian @taylorswift “Death By A Thousand Cuts” ❤️ in Arlington, TX #erastour #swifttok
♬ original sound - luluClean (1989)
Arlington Night Three
April 2, 2023
Jump Then Fall (Fearless)
@megatronaf jump then fall🥹🫶🏼 #taylorswift #tstheerastourarlington #tstheerastour #erastour #swifttok @taylorswift
♬ Jump Then Fall (Taylor’s Version) - Taylor SwiftThe Lucky One (RED)
@thebasicbloggerbitch My first time ever hearing this live🥹✨ #arlingtontstheerastour #theerastourtaylorswift #theerastour #swiftie #swifties #swifttok #theluckyonetaylorswift #thebasicbloggerb
♬ original sound - The Basic Blogger B*tchTampa Florida Night One
April 13, 2023
Speak Now (Speak Now)
Treacherous (RED)
@albertocarzo Treacherous Tampa Night 1 #theerastour #taylorswift #swiftie @taylorswift @taylornation
♬ original sound - Beto CarzoTampa Florida Night Two
April 14, 2023
The Great War (Midnights) Special Guest Aaron Dessner
You're On You're Own, Kid (Midnights)
@rebekahmarie8 YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN KID SURPRISE SONG #2 IN TAMPA NIGHT 2! #tstheerastour #tampatstheerastour #yoyok #youreonyourownkid #makethefriendshipbracelets #taylornation #taylorswift #swifttok #taylorswiftconcert #taylorswiftsurprisesong
♬ original sound - bekahTampa Florida Night Three
Mad Woman (Folklore) Special Guest Aaron Dessner
Mean (Speak Now)
@albertocarzo Mean Tampa Night 3 #taylorswift #taylorsversion #speaknowtv #theerastour #erastour #swifttok #swiftie @taylorswift @taylornation
♬ original sound - Beto CarzoHouston Texas Night One
Friday, April 21, 2023
Wonderland (1989)
@carlynicxle wonderland tonight in houston 💫 #erastour #taylorswift #erastourhouston @taylorswift
♬ original sound - carYou're Not Sorry (Fearless TV)
Houston Texas Night 2
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Today Was A Fairytale (Fearless TV/Valentine's Day Soundtrack)
@risky_lizness Today Was A Fairytale ✨ @taylorswift @taylornation #TheErasTour #TheErasTourHouston #HoustonNight2
♬ original sound - LizA Place In This World (Debut)
@__megan9 A Place in this World💚 Houston Night 2✨ #erastour #taylorswift #houstonerastour #aplaceinthisworld #surprisesongtaylorswift #swifttok #taylorsversion @taylorswift @brittbritt.89
♬ original sound - MeganHouston Texas Night 3
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Begin Again (RED TV)
@sofiaeatsnyc this video i took of begin again 🥺 #erastour #houstontstheerastour #theerastour #swiftie #taylorswift #swifttok #eras #fyp #ts #houstonerastour #beginagain
♬ original sound - sofiaeatsnycCold As You (Debut)
@theconcertgirl “Cold As You” Houston Night #3 Suprise Song!💚 @taylorswift @taylornation #taylorswift #taylorswifttheerastour #houstontstheerastour #houstontserastour #taylornation #theerastour #swifttok #erastour #fyp #tstheeras #tstheerastour #coldasyou
♬ original sound - The Concert Girl ♥️Atlanta Georgia Night One
Friday, April 28, 2023
The Other Side of The Door (Fearless)
@ryannemilymiller God has favorites and I am one of them, OSOTD Outro 🫶🏼 #erastouratl #taylorswift #taylorswifterastour #swifties #erastouratlanta #atlantaerastour #osotd #othersideofthedoor #fearlesstv #atlanta #mercedesbenz
♬ original sound - Ryann Emily MillerConey Island (Evermore)
@ashpoursdrinks im on a bench in coney island still processing the eras tour #atlantatstheerastour #tstheerastour #erastour #erastoursurprisesong #erastoursurprisesongs #coneyisland #evermoretaylorswift #atlantaerastour
♬ original sound - AshAtlanta Georgia Night Two
Saturday, April 29, 2023
High Infidelity (Midnights)
@jubabez high infidelity in full 🫶#taylorswift #theerastour #april29th #highinfidelity
♬ original sound - juliaGorgeous
@delaanneyy BES SUPRISE SONG YET #taylorswift #taylorswifterastours #gorgeous #erastour #taylorswifttour
♬ original sound - delaney 🧸Atlanta Georgia Night Three
Sunday, April 30, 2023
I Bet You Think About Me (RED TV)
@caitlynheine I bet you think about me 💙 Atlanta Night 3 @taylorswift @taylornation #atlantatstheerastour #ibetyouthinkaboutme #theerastour #atlanta #red
♬ original sound - Caitlyn (Taylor’s Version)How You Get The Girl (1989)
@claymdixon #atlantatstheerastour night 3 surprise song: How You Get The Girl @taylorswift @taylornation
♬ original sound - Clay DixonNashville Tennessee Night One
Friday, May 5, 2023
Sparks Fly (Speak Now)
Teardrops On My Guitar (Debut)
@rabbitsandtea The surprise piano song last night was teardrops on my guitar! #theerastournashville @Taylor Swift
♬ original sound - ANashville Tennessee Night Two
Saturday, May 6, 2023
Out of The Woods (1989)
@emilyfilmsstuff One of my favorite songs from #1989 ended up being our surprise song on Nashville Night 2. #erastour #taylorswift #outofthewoodstaylorsversion #outofthewoods #surprisesong #samsungs23ultra
♬ original sound - EmilyFifteen (Fearless)
@blondeoatmilk screaming crying throwing up! #erastour #surprisesongerastour #surprisesongtaylorswift #nashvillenight2 #fifteen #fearless #reputation #taylorswift
♬ original sound - blondeoatmilkNashville Tennessee Night 3
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Would've Could've Should've with Aaron Dressner (Midnights)
Mine (Speak Now)
Philadelphia Night One
Friday, May 12th
gold rush (evermore)
@eliefares13 Gold Rush live in Philly! Taylor said Go birds!#taylorswift #theerastour #philly
♬ original sound - Elie FaresCome Back Be Here (Red TV)
@thesassyrose Philly night one surprise song: come back be here #erastour #erastourphilly #swifttok
♬ original sound - TheSassyRosePhiladelphia Night Two
Saturday, May 13th
Forever & Always (Fearless TV)
@jillteee FOREVER & ALWAYS!!! Philly night 2 won #taylornation #phillytheerastour #erastourphilly #tstheerastour #foreverandalways #fearlesstv
♬ original sound - JillThis Love (1989)
Philadelphia Night Three
Sunday, May 14th
Hey Stephen (Fearless TV)
@odysseynotebooks I could have never guessed what #phillynight3 first surprise song would be! #taylorswift #erastour #philadelphia #heystephen #fearless #fearlesstaylorsversion @Taylor Swift
♬ original sound - odyssey notebooksThe Best Day (Fearless TV)
@zillionhardcore @Taylor Swift in Philadelphia Sunday 5/14/23 secret/surprise song The Best Day (Taylor's Version) for Mother's Day #taylorswift #erastour #thebestday #mothersday #philadelphia #eagles #fearless
♬ original sound - TonyFoxborough Massachusetts Night One
Friday, May 19th
Should've Said No (Debut)
@swiftieboston Should’ve said no! #taylorswift #swifttok #tstheerastour #foxboroughtstheerastour @Taylor Nation @Taylor Swift
♬ original sound - bobby (taylor's version)Better Man (Red TV)
Foxborough Massachusetts Night Two
Saturday, May 20th
Question...? (Midnights)
@popinionated Question…? played live for the first time ever! #foxboroughtstheerastour #foxborough #tserastour #taylorswift #theerastour #surprisesong @DJ Marky Mark
♬ original sound - SarahInvisible (Debut)
@sofiaeatsnyc THE RAIN REALLY CAME POURING DOWN ALL NIGHT 🥹🫶🏽 #invisible #gillette #taylorswift #fyp #swifttok #swiftie #theerastour #eras #taylor #concert #swift #theeras #erastour #gillettetstheerastour #bostontstheerastour #rain
♬ original sound - sofiaeatsnycFoxborough Massachusetts Night Three
Sunday, May 21st
I Think He Knows (Lover)
@taylorsgoldwing i think he knows- taylor swift 🩷#performance #erastour #lover #swifttok #swiftie #lyrics #fyp #theerastour
♬ sonido original - ✩Red (Red TV)
East Rutherford New Jersey Night One
Friday, May 26th
Getaway Car w/ Jack Antonoff (reputation)
@christinanicolettaa Taylor brings our Jack for Getaway Car!! Suprise Song Metlife Night 1 🫶🏼✨🥹 #erastour #era #theerastour #taylorswift #metlifeerastour #tstheerastour #taylornation #taylor #getawaycar #jackantonoff #suprisesong
♬ original sound - C H R I S T I N AMaroon (Midnights)
East Rutherford New Jersey Night Two
Saturday, May 27th
Holy Ground (Red TV)
@vinylbymars METLIFE NIGHT 2 IS A HOLY GROUND!!!!!!!!! @taylorswift #erastour #taylorswift #holyground #holygroundtaylorsversion #eastruthtstheerastour #swifttok #tserastour #swiftie #redtaylorsversion #holygroundtaylorswift #erastoursurprisesong
♬ original sound - MarsFalse God (Lover)
@vinylbymars Replying to @olivias.house FALSE GOD SURPRISE SONG METLIFE NIGHT 2. I’m speechless. Absolutely speechless. #erastour #taylorswift #eastruthtstheerastour #tserastour #swiftie #swifttok #erastoursurprisesong #falsegod #falsegodtaylorswift #falsegodsupremacy #lovertaylorswift
♬ original sound - MarsEast Rutherford New Jersey Night Three
Sunday, May 28th
Welcome To New York (1989)
@emmajlk Shes so funny but this was iconic 🗽#taylorswift #newyorkcity #nyc #nj #surprisesong #erastourts #tserastour #nyc #love @Taylor Swift
♬ original sound - EmmaClean (1989)
**This was the first repeat song of the tour**
@gracewolanski These surprise songs just keep giving🩵 #eastruthtstheerastour #erastour #clean #metlifestadium #swiftok
♬ original sound - gracewolanskiChicago, Illinois Night One
Friday, June 2, 2023
I Wish You Would (1989)
@typicallythomas Chicago Surprise Song 1 i wish you would #erastour
♬ original sound - typicallythomasthe lakes (folklore)
@kat_daddy420 I CANNOT BELIEVE WE GOT THE LAKES😭😭I MANIFESTED THAT SHI #erastour @Taylor Swift #thelakes #taylorswift #erastourchicagonight1 #erastourchicago
♬ original sound - kate!!!Chicago, Illinois Night Two
Saturday, June 3, 2023
You All Over Me With Special Guest Maren Morris (Fearless TV)
I Don't Wanna Live Forever (Fifty Shades of Gray Soundtrack)
@scubasteve516 I Don’t Wanna Live Forever #erastour #taylorswift #soldierfield #acoustic #surprisesong
♬ original sound - ScubaSteve516Chicago, Illinois Night Three
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Hits Different (Midnights)
The Moment I Knew (RED TV)
@diegoalbert_ Chicho Night 3 | The Moment I Knew #taylorswift #theerastour #chicagotstheerastour
♬ original sound - Diego AlbertDetroit Michigan Night One
Friday, June 9th
Haunted (Speak Now)
I Almost Do (RED TV)
@heyguysitsmepen I Almost Do - 2nd Suprise Song, Detroit N1!!!! #taylorswift #suprisesongtaylorswift #erastour #erastourtaylorswift #ialmostdo
♬ original sound - MadelynDetroit Michigan Night Two
Saturday, June 10th
All You Had To Do Was Stay (1989)
@autumnboyd903 Pardon my terrible camera skills #allyouhadtodowasstay #taylorswift #erastour @Taylor Swift @Taylor Nation
♬ original sound - 𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓶𝓷 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓭903Breathe (Fearless TV)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Night One
Friday, June 16th
Mr. Perfectly Fine (Fearless TV)
@christybistyy Mr. Perfectly Fine- Pittsburgh Night one 😫❤️ #erastourtaylorswift #mrperfectlyfine #taylorswift #surprisesong #taylornation #erastour #fearless @Ginnie
♬ original sound - ChristybistyyThe Last Time (RED)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Night Two
Saturday, June 17th
Seven (Folklore)
@swifthazed13 physical pain is all i feel right now #taylorswift #taylorsversion #swiftie #swifttok #erastour #tstheerastour #theerastour
♬ original sound - swifthazed13🪩⭐️The Story Of Us (Speak Now)
Minneapolis, Minnesota Night One
Friday, June 23, 2023
Paper Rings (lover)
If This Was A Move (Speak Now)
@sweetpotatoesz if this was a movie in minneapolis 6/23 #taylorswift #erastour #taylorswiftvids #taylorswiftconcert #taylorswifterastour #SurpriseSong #ErasTourMinneapolis
♬ original sound - sweet potatoMinneapolis, Minnesota Night Two
Saturday, June 24, 2023
Dear John (Speak Now)
Daylight (Lover)
Cincinnati Ohio Night One
Friday, June 30
I'm Only Me When I'm With You (Debut)
@sarahabigailcahil Cincinnati Night One First Surprise Song - I’m Only Me When I’m With You #cincinnatinightone #erastour #taylorswift #swiftinnati
♬ original sound - Sarah Abigail CahillEvermore
@vswiftlyrics i cried watching this. wish i could say i’m lying (not recorded by me) [#taylorswift #evermore #erastour #taylorswiftlyrics #fy #fyp fypシ]
♬ original sound - ★Cincinnati Ohio Night Two
Saturday, July 1st.
Taylor went on an hour early at this show due to coming weather and Gracie Abrams did not get to open the show. Therefore Taylor brought her out during the surprise song set to play one of her songs for a total of 3 surprise songs on night 2 in Ohio.
Ivy w/ Aaron Dessner (Evermore)
I Miss You, I'm Sorry w/ Gracie Abrams (Gracie Abrams Song)
Call It What You Want (reputation)
Kansas City Missouri Night One
Friday, July 7th Speak Now Taylor’s Version Release Day
Long Live
This was not during the surprise song set, instead, it was after Enchanted, the sole Speak Now track on the Eras Tour setlist. She also performed it Saturday night but it remains to see if this was just for this weekend or for the rest of the tour. Selfishly I hope it was just this weekend.
Never Grow Up
When Emma Falls In Love
Kansas City Missouri Night Two
Saturday, July 8th
Last Kiss
@kt_g95 July 9th was a special day ✨ #erastourtaylorswift #erastour #lastkisstaylorsversion #lastkiss #erastourkansascity
♬ original sound - KatieDorthea
Denver, Colorado Night One
Friday, July 14th
Picture To Burn (Debut)
@isidrocamara PICTURE TO BURN! #picturetuburn #erastour #taylorswift #suprisesong #denver #taylornation #erastourdenver #taylorsversion debut@Taylor Swift @Taylor Nation
♬ sonido original - Isidro CámaraTimeless (Speak Now Taylor's Version)
@esmeraldazavala timeless will be my wedding somg #denverswifties #denvererastour #erastourdenvernight1 #timelesstaylorsversion #fypシ
♬ original sound - Esmeralda | Outfit Ideas.Denver, Colorado Night Two
Saturday, July 15th
Starlight (RED TV)
Back To December (Speak Now Taylor's Version)
Seattle Washington Night One
Saturday, July 22nd
**Not a surprise song but No Body, No Crime was added to the Evermore set with Haim, presumably for each show they are on the Eras Tour for.**
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things (reputation)
Everything Has Changed (RED TV)
Seattle Washington Night Two
Sunday, July 23rd
Message In A Bottle (RED TV)
Tied Together With A Smile (Debut)
@taylor_loren_ 🥹🥹🥹 tied together with a smile, seattle night 2 #taylorswift #erastour #surprisesong #erastourseattle
♬ original sound - taylor lorenSanta Clara, CA Night One
Friday, July 28th
Right Where You Left Me (Evermore)
@mmatthewwongg full surprise song of right where you left me !! Ft. Aaron dessner !! Her messing up the words was so cute 🥺🥺 #erastour #taylorswift #folklore #rightwhereyouleftme
♬ original sound - Matthew WongCastles Crumbling (Speak Now Taylor's Version)
Santa Clara, CA Night Two
Saturday, July 29th
Stay Stay Stay (RED)
@tamananaaa Stay stay stay - full surprise song 1 on night 2 santa clara, ca #taylorswift #erastour #foryourpage #fyp #santaclaraerastour
♬ original sound - TamAll Of The Girls You Loved Before (Lover)
@tamananaaa All of the girls you loved before - full surprise song 2 in Santa Clara, CA night 2 #taylorswift #erastour #fyp #foryourpage #santaclara #erastoursantaclara
♬ original sound - TamLos Angeles California Night One
Thursday, August 3rd
I Can See You (Speak Now Taylor's Version)
Maroon (Midnights)
Second time playing and second repeat of the tour.
Los Angeles California Night Two
Friday, August 4th
Our Song (Debut)
You Are In Love (1989)
Los Angeles California Night Three
Saturday, August 5th
Death By A Thousand Cuts (Lover)
@densietv LA NIGHT 3 SURPRISE SONG - DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS#latstheerastour #tstheerastour #taylorswift #swifttok #swiftie #surprisesong #dbatc
♬ original sound - dennis (taylor’s version)Repeat
You're On Your Own Kid (Midnights)
@densietv LA NIGHT 3 SURPRISE SONG - YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN KID #latstheerastour #tstheerastour #taylorswift #swifttok #swiftie #surprisesong #yoyok
♬ original sound - dennis (taylor’s version)Repeat
Los Angeles California Night Four
Monday, August 7th
Dress (reputation)
Exile (Folklore)
Los Angeles California Night Six
Wednesday, August 10th
New Romantics (1989)
Following the 1989 Taylor’s Version Announcement
@entertainmenttonight Taylor Swift celebrates the announcement of ‘1989 (Taylor’s Version)’ by performing the fan-favorite, iconic bop “New Romantics” at the Eras Tour. 👑🫶 #tstheerastour #swifttok
♬ original sound - Entertainment TonightNew Years Day (repuatation)
Mexico City, Mexico Night One
August 24th
I Forgot That You Existed
@musicvibes888 🎵 I forgot that you existed 🎵#taylorswift #lover #iforgotthatyouexisted #mexico #erastour #erastourmexico #live #performance #foryou #fyp #trend
♬ 原声 - MusicVibes🖤 - MusicVibes🖤Sweet Nothing
@mayeruteaga Mexico City night 1 surprise songs #theerastourmexico #surprisesong #taylorsversion #taylorswift #swifttok #swiftie #fyp #erastourmexico #forosol #taylornation #taylorswiftmexico
♬ original sound - mayeruteagaMexico City, Mexico Night Two
August 25, 2023
Tell Me Why
@karmaismyicedcoffee13 Tell Me Why full song | eras tour | surprise song. huge thank you to the swifties who took these videos ❤ #erastour #theerastour #theerastourtaylorswift #taylorswift #taylorsversion #theerastourmexico #mexico #surprisesongerastour
♬ original sound - No Champagne, Just Problems - No Champagne, Just ProblemsSnow On The Beach
@erikgam28 Snow on the Beach #taylorswift #erastour
♬ sonido original - erikgamRepeated
Mexico City, Mexico Night Three
August 26, 2023
Cornelia Street
@themegamega taylor singing #corneliastreet as the first #surprisesong at N3 of #erastour in mexico city! #taylor #taylorswift #tstherastourmexico #taylornation #taylorswifttok
♬ original sound - themegamegaYou're On Your Own Kid
@anahi.diaz18 Mexico city surprise song YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN KID🤩🤩🤩🩷🩷🩷🩷 #erastour #theerastour #theerastourtaylorswift #surprisesong #youreonyourownkid #youreonyourownkidtaylorswift #taylorsversion #taylorswift #cdmx #fyp #forosol #foryou #foryoupage #vip
♬ original sound - Anahi DiazMexico City, Mexico
August 27, 2023
@carolinagzam Afterglow - N4 Mexico City 💛 #swifttok #surprisesong #surprisesongs #theerastour #erastour #taylorswift
♬ Afterglow - Taylor SwiftBuenos Aires, Argentina Night One
November 9, 2023
The Very Frist Night
Buenos Aires Argentina Night Two
Nov 11, 2023
Is It Over Now/Out Of The Woods
@swiftie_tales Is It Over Now? x Out Of The Woods - Taylor Swift ✨ (Live en Buenos Aires) 🇦🇷 Full Lyrics - Letra completa 💕 Credits to the owners of the videos and the creator of the compilation💕 #taylorswift #swiftie #erastour #taylorsversion #taylorswiftlyrics #erastourtaylorswift
♬ sonido original - SwiftieTales🍾End Game
@chris THIS IS INSANE @Taylor Swift #taylorswift #edsheeran #endgame #erastour #argentina
♬ original sound - Chris OlsenBuenos Aires Argentina Night Three
November 12, 2023
Better Than Revenge
@karmaisacat.1989 Surprise Song #1 - Better Than Revenge #taylorswift #theerastour #argentina #buenosaires #traviskelce #swifttok #tswift #swiftie #swifttok #fyp #surprisesong #eras #erastour
♬ original sound - carly"Slut!"
@liwijujae slut! for the first time live in Argentina night 3 #theerastour #theerastourargentina2023 #taylorswift
♬ original sound - javiRio De Janeiro, Brazil Night One
November 17, 2023
Stay Beautiful
@carolspaludo Stay beautiful completa!!! #erastour #taylorswift #swifttol
♬ son original - carolinaSuburban Legends
@hbettarello Suburban legends complete #taylorswift #theerastourtaylorswift #theerastourrj #suburbanlegends #swiftie #fy @Taylor Swift @Taylor Nation
♬ original sound - HelenaRio De Janeiro, Brazil Night Two
November 19, 2023
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
@tswift_22 DANCING WITH OUR HANDS TIED (SURPRISE SONG NO.1) @ THE ERAS TOUR RIO, BRAZIL (N2) 🇧🇷 #taylorswift #swiftie #swifties #taylornation #swifttok #tswift #riotstheerastour #erastour #fyp
♬ Dancing With Our Hands Tied - Taylor SwiftBigger Than The Whole Sky
@extra_tv After the tragic death of a fan at her #TheErasTour show in Rio on Friday, #TaylorSwift gave an emotional performance of “Bigger Than the Whole Sky” as a surprise song at Sunday’s show. 🙏 (📷: missamaricana/Local News X/TMX) #theerastour #theerastourtaylorswift #taylorsversion #taylornation #taylorswifterastour #swiftie #swifttok #swifties #taylorswifttok
♬ original sound - ExtraTVRio De Janeiro Night Three
November 20, 2023
@official_swifttok ME! is the first surprise song for tonight at Rio Night 3 of The Eras Tour💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 #taylorswift #taylorswifttok #taylorsversion #erastour #reputationtaylorsversion #rerecordings #theerastourbrazil #taylorswiftmidnights #taylorswiftmerch #tstheerastourrio #theerastourupdates #theerastourupdate #tstheerastourbrazil #longlive #theerrorstour #errorstour #taylorswifterrorstour #taylorswiftmissamericana me! #metaylorswift #taylorswiftme #lover #lovertaylorswift #surprisesong #surprisesongs #surprisesongerastour #surprisesongtaylorswift @Taylor Swift @Taylor Nation
♬ original sound - official_swifttok⸆⸉So It Goes...
@speaaknow So It Goes… 🖤 (one reputation song to go…) !!! #taylorswift #swifttok #erastour #reputation #surprisesong #reputationtv #reptv #taylorsversion #riodejaneirotstheerastour #riotstheerastour #braziltstheerastour #rioerastour
♬ original sound - ASao Paulo, Brazil Night One
November 24, 2023
Now That We Dont' Talk
@tayclips13 CANT BELIEVE I GOT TO LISTEN INNOCENT LIVE WHAT IS MY LIFEEEEEEE #taylorswift #swifttok #taylorswifttok #erastour #erastourtaylorswift #surprisesongs #sptstheerastour
♬ som original - Tayclips13Sao Paulo, Brazil Night Two
November 25, 2023
Safe & Sound
@tayclips13 IT’S ALWAYS THE YELLOW DRESS GUYS THIS WAS A HARD LOSS FOR EVERYONE WHO WASNT THERE OMFGGGG I CANT BELIEVE IT????? ALSO YOULL BARELY HEAR TAYLOR CAUSE I WAS SCREAMING THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITES!!!! #taylorswift #swifttok #taylorswifttok #erastour #erastourtaylorswift #sptstheerastour #surprisesongs #redera #redtaylorsversion #safeandsound
♬ som original - Tayclips13Untouchable
@tayclips13 WHAT IS LIFE??????????? I CANT BELIEVE THIS MOMENT HONESTLY!!!!!!! I FEEL SO LUCKY AND BLESSED!!! THANK GOD IM SO THANKFUL FOR BEING ABLE TO GO TO HER CONCERT I’M 😭😭😭 #taylorswift #swifttok #taylorswifttok #erastour #erastourtaylorswift #sptstheerastour #surprisesongs #fearlessera #untouchable
♬ som original - Tayclips13Sao Paulo, Brazil Night Three
November 26, 2023
Say Don't Go
@tayclips13 She did the most Taylor thing to do tonight. And I got to listen to say don’t go and it’s time to go live 😭😭😭 I can’t believe this weekend. Most magical thing I’ve ever experienced #taylorswift #swifttok #taylorswifttok #erastour #erastourtaylorswift #sptstheerastour #saopaulotstheerastour #1989taylorsversion #1989vaulttracks #surprisesongs
♬ som original - Tayclips13it's time to go
@official_swifttok Its Time To Go is the second surprise song of Sao Paulo night 3 The Eras Tour🤡🫶🏻🐍🩵💚✨ #taylorswift #taylorswifttok #taylorswifttoks #taylorsversion #erastour #theerastourupdates #swiftie #rerecordings #swiftietiktok #swiftie #theerastourupdates #swiftietiktok #vaulttracks #surprisesongs #surprisesong #surprisesongtaylorswift #follow #tstheerastour #follower #followtrain #reptv #reputationtaylorsversion #reputationstadiumtour #evermore #evermorealbum #evermoretaylorswift #itstimetogo #clowneilastreet @Taylor Swift @Taylor Nation
♬ original sound - official_swifttok⸆⸉Surprise Songs By Album
Included on the setlist are italicized
Sung as a surprise song are bolded
Taylor Swift AKA Debut
Tim McGraw
Picture To Burn
Teardrops On My Guitar
A Place In This World
Cold As You
The Outside
Tied Together With A Smile
Stay Beautiful
Should’ve Said No
Mary’s Song (Oh My My My)
Our Song x2
I’m Only Me When I’m With You
A Perfectly Good Heart
Fearless (Taylor's Version)
Love Story
Hey Stephen
White Horse
You Belong With Me
Tell Me Why
You’re Not Sorry
The Way I Loved You
Forever & Always
The Best Day
Jump Then Fall
Come In With The Rain
The Other Side Of The Door
Today Was A Fairytale
You All Over Me
Mr. Perfectly Fine
We Were Happy
That’s When
Don’t You
Bye Bye Baby
Speak Now (Taylor's Version)
Sparks Fly
Back To December
Speak Now
Dear John
The Story Of Us
Never Grow Up
Better Than Revenge
Last Kiss
Long Live- added to the setlist in Kansas City, MO and seems to be a permanent add
If This Was A Movie
Electric Touch
When Emma Falls In Love
I Can See You
Castles Crumbling
Foolish One
RED (Taylor's Version)
State of Grace
I Knew You Were Trouble
All Too Well (10 Minute Version)
I Almost Do
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Stay Stay Stay
The Last Time
Holy Ground
Sad Beautiful Tragic
The Lucky One
Everything Has Changed
Begin Again
The Moment I Knew
Come Back…Be Here
Girl At Home
Better Man
Nothing New (sung in Red set when Phoebe Bridgers is opening the show)
Message In A Bottle
I Bet You Think About Me
Forever Winter
The Very First Night
1989 (Taylor's Version)
Welcome To New York
Blank Space
Out of The Woods
All You Had To Do Was Stay
Shake It Off
I Wish You Would
Bad Blood
Wildest Dreams
How You Get The Girl
This Love
I Know Places
Clean x2
You Are In Love
New Romantics
Say Don’t Go
Now That We Don’t Talk
Suburban Legends
Is It Over Now
…Ready For It
End Game
I Did Something Bad
Don’t Blame Me
Look What You Made Me Do
So It Goes…
Getaway Car
King of My Heart
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Call It What You Want
New Year’s Day
I Forgot That You Existed
Cruel Summer
The Man
The Archer
I Think He Knows
Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince
Paper Rings
Cornelia Street
Death By A Thousand Cuts x2
London Boy
Soon You’ll Get Better
False God
You Need To Calm Down
It’s Nice To Have A Friend
All Of The Girls You Loved Before
the 1 (has been played in the spot of the setlist where Invisible Sting is)
the last great american dynasty
my tears ricochet
this is me trying
illicit affairs
invisible string(has been switched with the 1 at some shows)
mad woman
the lakes
champagne problems
gold rush
’tis the damn season
tolerate it
no body, no crime (added to the Evermore set for the shows Haim is opening)
coney island
cowboy like me
long story short
right where you left me
it’s time to go
Midnights (3am Edition)
Lavender Haze
Snow On The Beach
You’re On You’re Own Kid x2
Midnight Rain
Vigilante Shit
Sweet Nothing
The Great War
Bigger Than The Whole Sky
High Infidelity
Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve
Dear Reader
Hit’s Different
Random Songs
I Don’t Wanna Live Forever
Eyes Open
Safe & Sound
Only The Young
Beautiful Ghosts