Father Tells Lawmaker An AI Scammer Duplicated His Son’s Voice
Artificial intelligence is getting out of control. Where will it go and how do we stop it. Now a father tells lawmakers that an artificial intelligence scammer duplicated his son’s voice.
According to our source, Channel 9 in Charlotte, Gary was on his way to work when he got a call from someone he thought was his son. This is a quote from their Washington News Bureau, “He was crying and talking and said that he had been in an accident, He had broken his nose. He had hurt a pregnant woman. He was arrested. He was in jail.” Naturally the father was frantic.
He was told his “son” had a public defender. The public defender even had a name, Barry Goldstein. This dad was in help mode. On Thursday he told members of a Senate Special Committee the moment he realized it wasn’t really his son Brett on the other line. This quote from our source, Channel 9, “A few minutes later, a FaceTime call from my son,” the father said during his testimony. “He’s pointing to his nose. My nose is fine. I’m fine. You’re being scammed.”
He learned the truth before any money was sent thank goodness. Scams cost Americans 9 billion dollars last year and often the elderly are targeted. To learn more about this story and what is being done by lawmakers on this issue, get details right here from wsoctv.com