Why Should You Get Checked for Alzheimer’s?
If you notice any of the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease in yourself or someone you know, schedule an appointment with your doctor. An early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s provides a range of benefits for the individuals who are diagnosed.
Medical Benefits
Getting checked by your doctor can help determine what’s causing symptoms. You can get access to treatment options, a chance to join clinical trials, and time to prioritize your health.
Emotional & Social Benefits
Receiving an early Alzheimer’s diagnosis may help lessen anxieties about why you are experiencing symptoms. You and your family also have the opportunity to maximize your time together and access resources and support programs.
Time to Plan the Future
Do you know who you would want to make decisions for you in the event you’re no longer able to? Finding out about your diagnosis early enough will allow you to set up plans and have things set up. It allows you to express your wishes about legal and end of life decisions.
Cost Savings
Early diagnosis saves costs of medical and long-term care for both families and the U.S. government. Among all Americans alive today, if those who will get Alzheimer’s disease were diagnosed when they had mild cognitive impairment, before dementia, it would collectively save approximately $7 trillion* in health and long-term care costs.