Gallery: Today is Winnie’s “Gotcha Day”
Four years ago our lives changed forever for good. Due to some circumstances we really did not see coming, we found ourselves the proud parents of a bouncing baby Goldendoodle. It turns out it was a good fit. I need a hypo allergenic pet and she fit the bill. Winnie is so beloved here at the station and by many of you that she was even made an honorary part of our show and allowed to come to “work” with me once a week.
And of course she is the apple of our eye at home. My husband’s attachment to this little angel is well documented. We are convinced she is an angel in dog form. If you have a dog you love, you know:)
Social media reminded me that today is Winnie’s gotcha day. Take a look back and enjoy pics of baby Winnie and meet her sweet parents. You can follow Winnie on instagram @winniedoodle1037