People Actually Use These Excuses For Being Late At Work?
Of course sometimes you have a day where you show up at work a little late, and some folks show up at work a little late just about every day. In the ‘millennial’ generation more then half are showing up late for work, in fact 77%! That isn’t surprising, but the excuses on why are just downright hilarious! Check it out:
Top Millennial Excuses For Being Late For Work:
My hair got caught in a fan.
I super-glued my eye thinking it was contact solution.
My dog ate my car keys.
I drove to my old job out of habit.
I thought I was still on vacation.
I had nothing to wear.
I thought it was Saturday.
I got locked in the gas station restroom and had to wait for someone to get me out.
A truck full of fish flipped over on the highway.
My cat delivered its litter of kittens.
Someone spilled coffee all over me on the way to work.
I was stuck in an elevator with a kid that pushed the buttons for all of the floors.
Geese chased me on my way to the car.
Are ya kidding me?? A truck full of fish?! Geese? Super-gluded your eye?! People don’t really say this stuff do they?!
What’s your best excuse?