Brett Eldredge Completes The ‘Flip Phone Challenge’
Brett Eldredge took a break from social media recently and took Polaroid pictures from his recent trip to Europe, sent them by mail to a friend who then posted them to his socials. Eldredge’s latest test of lack of technology was the “Flip Phone Challenge” and he just completed it.
He shared on Instagram last night, “The flip phone challenge was a game changer for me! Sure, I couldn’t take Ubers or injure myself riding those Bird scooters, but I got to see life through my eyes and not through a screen! It’s definitely a commitment, but one worth making. Think you could do it?
Brett posted to Instagram back in January, “To start 2019, I am going to go back in time to 2002. That was the year I got my first color flip phone with a lil megapixel camera on it…I felt like a bad ass…I would carry it everywhere I went but never look at it to check the never ending “Breaking News” or constantly compare my life to someone else’s…I wouldn’t sit at the dinner table and be halfway paying attention to my buddies convo’s because I was watching someone’s story about how good, or bad they were at “Flossing” or how quick someone could chug a bottle of vodka and do a triple backflip into a pool…I was there, in the moment, with my friends, with life…Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of amazing things about a smart phone…but I gotta take a moment to experiment and see what it’s like to be here, RIGHT NOW, lost in the music and not in a screen…if ya need me, I’ll be on the T9 text machine…here goes the #FlipPhoneChallnege.”
-Nancy Brooks