How To Make Mondays More Productive At Work, Starting Today!
I know it’s only Friday, but blink your eyes and it will be Sunday. Before you know it your looking at Monday square in the face. How do you make it more productive starting today?
As the Sunday Scaries creep in to ruin your recollection of a great weekend, there are some steps you can take to make your Monday suck a lot less. Entrepreneur recommends that you first identify the cause of your anxiety towards the start of the week, which can help you take control by creating solutions.
-Keep a positive mindset as well, especially when you wake.
-Stick to a routine and spread your workload.
-If you can avoid scheduling meetings on a Monday, that would go a long way as well.
-Speaking of scheduling, perhaps plan an outing which can give you something to look forward to later in the week.
Do you hate Mondays? What do you do to get through the day?