Do The Walkie Talkie
Do you really understand what it means to level up and be your best? It starts with a mental, physical and spiritual upgrade. When you change your perspective, you change your emotions regarding improving yourself. For this blog let’s start with a workout routine for the mind and body. Don’t complicate it, just think of something FUN to do to move that body! I suggest dedicating a dance routine around your living quarters for 15-minutes. FYI: I can’t dance, but nobody can see me! So many options, like doing 10-15 minutes of jumping jacks. But, if you’d like to improve your thought patterns get up early and walk outside in nature or AKA the neighborhood or drive someplace safe to take a brisk stroll. I learned about the Walkie-Talkie methodology from Leslie Ware with Alpha Health and Wellness. Leslie’s philosophy is if you can get outside in nature or sidewalks and put in 15-minutes of exercise daily, you can change your body shape, and the bonus is to be quiet and off your cell phone so the Universe can speak to you, or whatever higher power you beleive in that sends you wisdom, go with it, but finding excuses isn’t part of leveling up. You do the walkie and let the Universe do the talkie! Whatever journey you’re on, mental and physical health are a pair, just like shoes, polish up both of them both.