Is Your Man A Cheapskate?
If your man is a cheapskate walk away! Money isn’t everything, but gift-giving is! When you’re casually dating and you’re a cheapskate, or just short on cash, just break up. Like, do it before Thanksgiving. I’m not promoting breakups, but I know a lot of men who become real cheap during the holidays so they don’t have to buy a gift. Or then there’s the guy who has money and blatantly disregards getting his girlfriend a gift at all. Shame on him! Girl, break up with him quick, you deserve more than that! Honestly, his mother should of taught him how to treat a lady. If you’re curious and wish to test the waters before Thanksgiving just to see if your man is a cheapskate, add up what he’s spent on you already. Seriously, find out if he’s going to do the right thing before Christmas arrives. There are some women who don’t bat an eye when it comes to picking up the tab on a date, more power to her, or she doesn’t mind splitting meals on a date. As you can tell I’ve seen it all and in amazement at what women put up with just to have the company of a man. Ladies, you’re worth your weight in gold and deserve better, so go out and get better. Happy Holidays!