Kip Moore: ‘To The Black Community, I Hear You’
Kip Moore has jus released his new Wild World album and he admits that when he was writing and prepping for the project, it was a challenging time in his life.
Kip told us, “Most of the songs that came about from this record were during a round of touring around 2018 when I found myself really broken down in a lot of ways – physically, spiritually, emotionally.”
He added, “There was a constant search for simplicity. I found myself departed from my faith; I was searching. You sense that with so much of this record, you sense that search for peace. It’s an elusive thing, but I’m trying to grab a hold of it all throughout this record.”
Moore also recently reacted to all the unrest in the country since the death of George Floyd. He posted to Instagram along with a touching video, “To the black community…I’m Srry that you’ve screamed for so long about feeling oppressed and it’s fallin on deaf ears. You matter. I hear you, i see you, and I have nothing but love for you.”
He continued, “To the police officers all over… Im Srry that those of you doing the job the right way, always get lumped into the same category with the few doing it the wrong way. I’m thankful for you guys and know most of you have your heart in the right place. We should celebrate your bright days more. To God, I’m Srry that we’ve been here this long and continue to be terrible to each other. I’m sure your vision for us looked drastically different. I Hope we can work towards changing that now…Not soon, but now. #onelove