Faith Hill Asks Mississippi Legislature To Change State Flag
Native Mississippian Faith Hill is asking the state’s legislature to change their state flag and remove the confederate flag which sits in the left corner from it.
Faith posted to Twitter, “To the Mississippi legislature: It’s time to change the state flag. I am a proud MS girl and I love my home state. When I think of Mississippi, I think of my mom and dad, the church I grew up in, high school football, and where I fell in love with music.”
To the Mississippi legislature: It’s time to change the state flag.
— Faith Hill (@FaithHill) June 25, 2020
I am a proud MS girl and I love my home state. When I think of Mississippi, I think of my mom and dad, the church I grew up in, high school football, and where I fell in love with music.
She added in a series of replies, “Now, it is time for the world to meet the Mississippi of today and not the Mississippi of 1894 (when the MS legislature voted on the current flag).”
Now, it is time for the world to meet the Mississippi of today and not the Mississippi of 1894 (when the MS legislature voted on the current flag).
— Faith Hill (@FaithHill) June 25, 2020
“I understand many view the current flag as a symbol of heritage and Southern pride, but we have to realize that this flag is a direct symbol of terror for our black brothers and sisters.”
I understand many view the current flag as a symbol of heritage and Southern pride, but we have to realize that this flag is a direct symbol of terror for our black brothers and sisters.
— Faith Hill (@FaithHill) June 25, 2020
And finally, “I urge the Mississippi legislature to vote tomorrow Friday, June 26 on ONE NEW FLAG, one that represents ALL of the citizens of Mississippi.”
I urge the Mississippi legislature to vote tomorrow Friday, June 26 on ONE NEW FLAG, one that represents ALL of the citizens of Mississippi.#takeitdownMS #msleg
— Faith Hill (@FaithHill) June 25, 2020
Replies to Faith’s post have been mixed with many agreeing with her, while some did not. One tweeted, “I have a thought. I hate racism as much as the next guy. But trying to erase our country’s history doesn’t make it so. None of us are perfect. The best we can do is try and NOT repeat our mistakes. Erasing our history will [sic] insure we repeat our mistakes. I’m just saying.”
I have a thought. I hate racism as much as the next guy. But trying to erase our country’s history doesn’t make it so. None of us are perfect. The best we can do is try and NOT repeat our mistakes. Erasing our history will insure we repeat our mistakes. I’m just saying.
— Bryan (@BryanFirehelico) June 25, 2020